Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


currently, i am in taiwan now. at my mother's friend's house. i can feel my butt is enlarging because of the long hours trips, sitting on the plane without going to the toilet. i can also feel my belly enlarging as im drinking XL bbt, ate two meals of steamboat. ohmygodd, by the time i go back, my best friends won't recognize me.

i reached singapore's airport.
my friends come and fetch me.
i saw them. however, they didn't saw me. i am standing right in front of them.

my friends mocked: " excuse me, you're really ...huge, blocking me. can move away? i can't see my friend "

the huge girl hurtt*

NOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo. how? lols.
band is leaving for hongkong tomorrow. hahahaaa. i think qiuying is abit exxagerating. ppl died because of the cold temperature? but, i think she's a bit right, hahahhass. hongkong is quite cold now a days. i didn't go out of the airport, i feet the window....woahh. quite "warm". hahas, so guys, ttctcc! xiaocoldddz hor.

no maple. D;

Monday, November 16, 2009

miss you all 4

LOLS PEEEEEPS! im back again... now feeling damn sleepy. 0758.
but i cannot sleep already, because im leaving sooooon.
just texted elaine and qiuying!

k! i think this is the last post before i left. lols.
so tctc again! go watch autumn concerto.
maple finally lvl up to 27. FINALLY! lols.

miss you ppl.

miss you all 3

guess what? i haven't sleep. lols.
just finished watching autumn concerto epi 7! yeaaaaaaaa! i thought the person won't upload at midnight. hahahahahahs! he or she did upload. really thanks him or her alot. hhahahas.
now is 0638, i don't feel sleepy.
i think... 8am. try morning call them. heehee. ;D

miss you all 2

lols, now is 0522. cannot take it!
i wanna to sleep already. hahahaahahs!

tctc, ppl.
especially my PUIPUI! hahaahass. ;D

miss you all ;D

lols. peiyen and i had decided not to sleep for today(16/11/09)(2:58)
jiale and anthony wanted to stayover at my house and send us off the next day. however, i think is because of that xiaofatss. he was sleepingg. soo no one come. == so yeah, will start mapling later.

qiuying, mission can't complete. hahahaaas.

later im going off. D:
will miss lots of ppl.
got lots of things to buy too! ^^
1. schedule book for qiuying and puiyee
2. shoes
3. packbag
4. elaine's zhangyujing. must buy because its elaine's life.
5. ipod skin protector.

for otherss, you all didn't ask me to buy anything soo... not included in the list. lols. psps!

soooooooo, lurbiessss(lovess) for all!

don't think too much! we love yooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu mannnz!

be backed by 1 months time.
byyyyyyyee. *vanished!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


they just left then i had just finished bathing.
i can finally rest. what a exhausted day.
woke up at 9am, damn early, to meet miss quek in school at 10am for the ACJC art exhibition.
it was awesome. absorbed a lot, i think.
headed back to bishan and had lunch with art class.
thanks to the disgusting rain. its held us back a longgggggggg while.
miss quek accompanied me home. what an honor.

computer computer computer... blahblahblahh..

due to the disgusting rain, the bbq was cancelled temporary but resume after a while. the bbq was quite sucks at first. because we don't really know why we were there but its like we knew our purpose for being there, its just that we felt weird. people was in cliques, heeheehaahaa-ing. so alright, we decided to sit together then heeheehaahaa among ourselves. slowly its became better. ohyar, i was with qiuying, fiona and hazel. lots of people was over there... slowly, time passed by, its getting better and better.
played frisbee, took pictures with the distractors and talked crap.
its was late, some people went home, some people camped in my house. qiuying came back and rotted with me in my room.
its was REALLY late. she left. D; i camped in my room...
its was really really late. i went to kitchen for a drink, then everything starts? lols
started playing games with them. hahaahass. crapped a lot.
its was REALLY REALLY late... dispersed.

yaa. 410, its late. byebye.

don't be tired. phone really wasn't with me, didn't mean to.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

art room

people says there's elearning. teachers say there's elearning. my house internet cannot log on to the school website, i cannot do my elearning so i will fail? however, i decided to go to school and do my elearning at miss quek's art room. i woke up very early to go to school. i reached school at 1145. miss quek and mr chua are here. i logged on to the student portal. guess what? there's isn't any elearning. sigh. so now i got to stay here and wait for miss quek to come... stone.
i am in miss quek's art roooooom! ;DD

trees are too nature...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


don't freaking break us

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

hot joke date.

today is a... joke!
hahahass. we hesitated really long, going to that same shop four times. discuss here and there, worry here and there. ahahas. after 30 to 45 of discussion, we finally bought it.

" its 16 bucks hor, because we bought two bags so we just need to pay 16 bucks each? "

ohnozx. i'm seriously broke T.T
thursday still maybe going out with QY-zi! howhowhowww?

bbz ;DD

Monday, November 9, 2009

this week.

going out with puiyee tomorrow. it has been so long since we went out together and take picpic. just planned that we're going bugis tomorrow but.. still not sure. this week, pretty busy. going out with QY-zi. wednesday got to stay at home and help my mother out. friday going for frisbee bbq? hahahss, yeeeps! after all screamings she finally promise me that she's going! ;DD but she's unstable... tsktsk! shall scream more! Next monday going back taiwan, quite looking forward this time. get the chances to shop, meet FRIENDSSSS and see relatives. hahahas.

wait... and wait.

byebye! ;D

Sunday, November 8, 2009

hours of time, wasted?

now is 351. played 7 hours of maple. yesterday i slept at 4am until 12pm then 3pm until 6pm. i studied for 30mins.
what a day today.

okok! short post. better sleep now! tomorrow still need to attend church. =X
bb ppl!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


gratz to jiale and leechien.
damnnnnn sudden. i was watching my show and suddenly, anthony called me. er? i picked up.
" peishan ar? anthony here! you today free? wanna to see jiale and leechien blahblahblahhh..?"
"see first"
"meeting at 1715, bishan mrt"
blahblahhh.. that time was about 1615? in the edn i still went. kinda fun and interesting. they matched, played ponyo, dancers and the band majors do "beat it" drills. COOOOL~
ohyah, today's also mummy birthday, happy birthday to mummmmmmy! lao de ma ma.

i have no band tomorrow! yeeeeeps! feels like going to library and study sia. abnormall.. if i really wanna to study tomorrow, i need to sleep now which i don't want. i aim to sleep at 4 or 5 today.

err.. bb!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

her laughter.

elaine's laughter is freaking unique. its going around my head. ohnozx, that's bad.
we watched a few parts oof Hi, my sweetheart! . the show is kinda stupid but hilarous.
watched autumn concerto with qiuying and elaine againnnnn. still nice.

i finally sent the pictures to tsungting. the merlion, explanade, and junction 8 photos.
"its tremendous a lot!"
"changed alot"

yeeps, i moved my books to my old room already. ;D
shall do it slowly..

kkz! go to revise my japanese. if not tml i gonna die.

bye bernizxx.

nice siol.

ZUPER nice siolll. cannot take it. ;DD
i waited autumn concerto until 2am although i know the person was not going to upload at that timing. i left band half way to attend my cancelled tuition. when i reached home, i on the computer immediately to chionnnnnnng for autumn concerto. yeeeeps! its there! so i watched and watched. ;D suddenly...
" come now!"
"D; , come now..."
so i headed back to school to meet elaine they all...

today zuperr lowwz too. thanks to mr chin and etc. except my girlfriendss. ZZzz..
more and more.. D;

yesterday spent 1hour talking to qiuying.
today spent 1hour 15mins talking to puiyee. (my mother calculated for me)


bye nernizx.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

its the same.

holiday has finally came however i don't know what to do. ZZzzz.
feels like finishing all my holiday assignments then go on to playing. but i can't. when ever i want to sit down and study or do assignments, i will lose my concentration and started doing other things which is not important.
there's band tomorrow,sigh. whole band, not only for the hongkong trip ppl, so i need to go. nooooooo, i want to stay at home and "move room". Next year gonna be a fresh year, wanna start with a fresh study feeling. wanna make my old room a study room for ME and my brother if he wants. Olevel starts in one years time, Ohnozx. i think next year i will probably lock myself in my study room, force myself to study. ask my mum to put my meals on the door way when meals' are ready. i will put one pail in my room for pee-ing or shiting, one pail with a cap to cover the pail. since there's bed in my study room so when im tired i can just ly there and sleep. what about bathing? i don't think i will bathe. its like im staying in that room for days without going any where without interacting with germs. so i THINK im clean. i will just prepare a towel with basin fill with water to wash my face.
err, sound gross.

shall end here again, gonna continue my ANTM. ;D

Friday, October 30, 2009


muscle ache. can't walk properly, i crawled to my japanese teachers house. awww...thanks to interclass rugby. i didn't go to school today. thanks to the interclass rugby again, i felt giddy the whole day. Hurray, i got slightly fever yesterday night. however, sobs i recovered this morning when i woke up, 1000. felt bad, because i left her alone in school. i think she will start cursing me when she read this part. D; yeeps, fiona and hazel started watching autumn concerto. muahaahaaas! waiting for episode 5 to come out, because its currently showing in taiwan. wait, wait and wait. just watched ANTM cycle 13 epi 9, its nice. competitive bitches living together. talking stuffs about each other. i like nicole lor, although she's somehow anti-social at the beginning but recently she can talk. erin? errr, no comments. ZZzz...

k bye!

man, don't be sad.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

interclass rugby.

it was an awesome day. first thanks to the scorching sun ==
second, thanks to 3 LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. WE managed to get interclass rugby 3rd position. yeeps, must thank most of the guys lor. hot siaa.. ;DDD
the guys who played interclass rugby were AWESOME. *totallyy!

we tried our best to win and enjoy the game.

tiredd. *yawned

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


pon school? nahh.
i went to help my tuition teacher and gained CIP hours. ;D
the event was quite coool, learnt and observed alot. observed how tired was the people behind the scenes.
K2 kids really very talkative,NONSTOP sia.
K1 kids, lost sheeep.
pre nursery, naive.

i want go europe country.
i saw lots of angmoooo! ^^


Monday, October 26, 2009

last min.

so last minute. D:
today is CCA day. so CCA-ed the whole day. CCA-ed with drills. CCA-ed with the juniors. CCA-ed under the hot sun. CCA-ed with paiseh-ness. mmiiaannn. trained the junior how to match when i don't really know how to match. however still manage to handle it. ;DD

"band? sigh. GG dog!" peiyen said.

went i flew back to auditorim, whaaa, shiok!

"very cold" elaine said.

i rather die at north pole than die in the desert. can you imagine? your skins, your eyeballs and etc, all dried up. black and brown. with flies on top. ants, earthworm eating your dead body? etcetc... eww.

bye bernizx.

we're just 15.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

first time?

"hey, tomorrow don't go choir."
"i want to go shopping"
"errr? *shock"

unbelievablee. FIRST TIME SIOL, memorable.
so i asked fiona elaine qiuying yutaro enwei and etc for tips. i really don't know where to shop with my brother except topman and zara. he needs more...
Peiyen's first shopping end up eating and winding. hahass. we went to bugis, here here there there. nothing much. don't really know where to shop for guy stuffs. later peiyen was hungry, so we had our dinner at the don'tknowwhere. the waiter is funny, funny in a way that im the joke. huh? (try to understand it) qiuying, elaine and peiyen kept laughing at me. first time go the don'tknowwhere to eat mah, that's why blur mah.

still got school tomorrow. don't feel like blogging leh. so byebye bernizx.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


dammit. walked the whole dayyy. D;

when around J8 and raffles for my very BESTIE.
the weather is like hell. scorching and humid, could feel the hot vapour around me. but for her? its alright. wish she will like it. ;DD oh, i forgot to take her old house and the red bean pancake. shall take it tml.
still deciding whether am i going to buy _____ for my girl. i feeling like buying ____ for her also. aiyoh, paraniod. *tsk hate this kind of feeling. not sure she like ___ more or ____. *tsk.

walked around town today. my legs nearly cannot walk. thanks to my very BESTIE. walking around raffles to find the stupid merlion. i also nearly dehydrated. for all this hard work, hope that she will like it. not like it lar, understand it. lols.

thanks to HMV ==

had dinner with qyZ, fIIIIonaaa, xiAOOOlainezxzxzxzxzzz, peiyen, desmond and elbon at subway. nice worzx. vibrated alot. =X

shall end here and do other thingss. ;DD

Thursday, October 22, 2009

ohno. Zzz

sorry girl..

im tryinging to not go to school tml but going for bandd! hahahaahahs!
yah! D;

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


DAMNNNNNN NICE SIOLLLLLLLLLL! who cares about pi zi ying xiong*stare at puiyee
yeeeeps! today was hilarious. a joke? thinking who might be that person. spending my whole afternoon watching autumn concerto with sutheng, qiuying, elaine and peiyen. sutheng went home early and elaine came a bit later. peiyen came back on the third episode. qiuying don't really care about that show at first. however there's one scene attractted her. FREAKING AWESOMEEEEE!
elaine" not bad"
qiuying" nice siolllll"
peiyen" *smiled and *winkwink"
sutheng" nice right nice right!!!!!?????"

seriously i think the show is not bad, autumn concerto(should be this)

i tooooook all our scripts today. not baddd! quite dissapointted for my poa and art, thought that i will score better. its once you have good grades you wanna to maintain it or achieve for higher. i thought i could maintain that grade but i didn't. BUT, still never mind, still got chances. ;DD

today's art lesson was a joke too! puiyee and i were lost in schoool, can't find ms quek. seriously lost... no one was there waitting for usss. T.T but its understandable, we peee-d too long. we went to canteen, concourse, homeroom and finally computer lap. yeeeps, im the smart one, i suggested. and its thereee! that lost feeling wasn't goood...

i wanna buy list plus reasoning.
1. wallet- my purse is wearing out. 40
2. swimming suit- i don't have one. 60
3. one bag- my bag is old.30
4. 2 tops- my wardrobe lacks of tops. kept giving to my mother's friends' daughter.50
5. 1 jeanshort- sicked of black shorts.30
6. ipod skin protector- to protect my only and fragile ipod.30 my shoes are spoiling, i think. 30
200 plus sioll.


he's getting...

Monday, October 19, 2009


i got my...
48 classic colour pencil
POSB card
IC card

i shall colour my world with these...


Saturday, October 17, 2009

500 days of winter.

yeepyeep! i watched 500days of summer. david recommended me to watched it. love it love it!
which guy is as similar as me?

yesterday night also love it love it.
elaine, seowyi, hazel, fiona, robin, qiuying, peiyen and me stayed over at peiyen's or my house. its totally awesome.
"i had broken my record." qiuying said that so am i. we slept at 7 or 8... time for school?
had dinner
went to bubble tea and watched people performing...sports?
went home and decided to play block catching or catching or what but end up watching mtv.
got bored so we went down to play face-si-beeeee. yeeeeps! funfunfunfunnn! jordon and fabian and anthony suddenly appearred and joined us.
went home and bathe. watched hazel played L4D. " now where huh?" " oooooo, that's so cool. the head just f*****g burst in front of meeee" lotsss...
went to my old room for hazel photoshoot.
PeiYen was damnnnnn hungry so were most of the girls, so we went to prata house and had our supper.
headed back home for jennifer's body. *errr? sounded wrong...
after that... sleepiness knocked us down one by one....

later while qiuying and i were sleeping, upstair got...
"he kept moving!!" oh?

thats' all.
EOY ended! OLEVEL beginsss...
shall rest!
byebye OO

Sunday, September 27, 2009

temptation comes in...

last day?

i wish today is the last day i blog during this period. 6 oct is my first paper and so on.. stressed? i thought i only have sciences mathe etc to do. on wed, ms quek told us there's art to do too, at least 15 drawings... ZZz. its like hellll? need to force myself to combine the pictures and draw... ohnozx.
good news for me! i finally had an ipod nano with video camera. its VIDEO camera. sigh, its not camera... but nevermind at least i have one. its pink, i want red but don't have, but never mind at least i have one. even though i have one but i don't really know how to use...sighh. got to ask people lor or understand and spoil it by myself. D;

alright, god shall bless you and MEE!
byebye! ;DD

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


actually we watching gamer lor. arghhh, M18. zzz.
draggy show. glared that you all didn't show. D;
but i did contract my butt because some parts were really trilling.
we watched 420 show. which there's ....nobody nobody nobody but WE! hahahaahss. i think not even ten lor. ohyahohyah, only qiuying, peiyen and me went to watch. man! FREAK THOSE PPL. i hate this kind of ppl lor. last minute last minutes. on off on off... but sighh, still friends! T.T

shit man! didn't take pictures.
plan failed too!

in school was qiute high but after recess was like totally deadddd! but thanks to myyy PUIPUI, she made herself the joke. hahahahaass!

shall end here! got to gooo.. and study lorr!


didn't go for band today because i need to help lisa with the media studies examination. cooooool.
seriouly like coool. because we had lots of lots of funnnnnn! we had a hug scene, AWKWARD! we need to stare at each other because we needed to wait for lisa to say CUT. AWKWARD! stare at mr tay, AWKWARD! because im too tall so i needed to bend down so the camera can see my face, TIRED! walking with bended knees? TIRED AND AWKWARD!
i think i going to waste this week again.
ohnozx. that's badddd!

got to get enough sleep. working hard to EOY!
shall go nowzx. byebye!

Monday, September 21, 2009

qiuyingggggg's birthday.

hihii people.
jiale and enwei just went home. left qiuying robin anthony peiyen and mee!
end here! have funnnn!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

library day

library siao library siao. lols.
i was in the library the whole day including at night. seriously i think i waste my whole afternoon because im not studying. but i gain some unknown experiences, thanks to qiuying. still have 20mins to qiuying's birthday! hahahass. tomorrow its her birthday, hope she really enjoy! hope my counselling is always there for her when she's emo. hahhass.

i finally sent tsungting's present, it need 4 to 6 working days for her to receive it! hope she will like. most importantly, she will receive it!

yeahhhhh! im having ipod nanoooooooo! i just need 4GB not much, with camera? i wish i can have it but if don't have also never mind. ahahaahahahhasss. happyhappy! thanks to himm!

shalll dream niowwwwwww!

Friday, September 18, 2009

bad girl

ipod nano the fourth generation is outt! jiale told me if not i also don't know. hahhahaass. wanted it soooo badly too!

ohnoz, i didn't go for band today.
ask me why.
lols, im helping lisa out with the media studies flim thingy. tuesday i going to skip band and help her out again. really quite funny walking out with them, lisa and janelle. hahahhasss. joke alot.
it was like damn scary when im waiting for lisa they all. first i saw mr sim, he was like asking me am i going for band or sth. later saw rogerlee, youleh? band? what? ohhh....
while waiting for lisa they all again. i was in the art room rotting with my brother's friends. crap crap and crapp...
enwei is sick. oops!
did any GIRL saw this? sorryy...

hahahass. tml got to study and study and study alone in library. hmph!
EOY coming... 2 weeks left. *faint.

shall rest. byebye!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

its just niceeee!

why is there so many things in youtube. i can't really find what i want to watch because there's too much.
manzx! thanks to elaine, im some how addicted to ovalteenies. but i forgot who said it, eat too much ovalteenies also not good, can't really shit. that's bad.
just now saw daviid. he shrink alott, how sadd! sigh.

life arrr...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

wanna to go there so badly!

once again peishan is attracted to computer againn. that's bad.
but at least she had finished studying her chemistry, tomorrow there's a test. she really wishes she won't fail or do badly. EOY is coming in 19 days, so freaking fast. so she's planning what to study for this coming saturday since there's no mathe tuition so she hopes she can spend the time wisely. before she rushes to the library, she needs to go thomson to send birthday present for tsungting.

alright i shall stop blogging as the third person, so tiring.
i can't really sleep now a days, why? i don't know why. maybe its because of the holiday. always slept at 2am. that's bad.

so damn wanna to go overseasss to studyy! T.T
i want to see angmoooooooo!


Monday, September 14, 2009

first day of school

first day of scchoooooool.
finally saw elaine, linda, hazel, fionaa and suthenggg. what about qiuying? i just met up with her last saturday. sooo not finallly.

puiyee and i were talking the same thing over and over againnn. the church thing and korean thing.

the korean thing.

peishan's reaction: ewwwww, stop puiyee! my hair stand...
qiuying's reaction: EWWWWWW! AHHHHHH!! NOOOOOooo. my hair stand lehh! OHHH AHHH...
mingli's reaction: HUH? *hair standdd! OHNOZZZZXXxx. scaryyy.. my house howww?
real life more funnyy! ahahaass.
today fun yesterday fun yesterday de yesterday funn!
k gtg! byebye!

Friday, September 11, 2009

happy birthday to jennifer.

today is tsungting's birthday.
yeah! she received my message.
yeah! she's finally 16 and there's still 2 years to go.
looking forward.

today went out to eat some books with qiuying and puiyee.
saw momo, mingli, felicia and xingtang.
xingtang was like hanging around by himself in J8, pathetic. so we decided to invite him and join us.
had stupid conversation and tease him alot. lols.

really man, The Time Traveler's wife movie is so damn nice. i love it. kept thinking about it. sigh.
i want to buy that book.

ohnozx, freaking bad news for me.
my mother freaking locked my computer.
can't do any thing noww, just rott! T.T

k! shall go now!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

have you left anything behind?

finally finally!
i finally watched The Traveler's wife. of course, its awesome. however, i think the novel is nicer, more details. its worth watching the second time, i gonna to watch it at fusion, again and again.
vivian and i were slightly late so we didn't get the chance to see the intro where henry and his mother had an accident. sigh, but nevermind, i gonna to watch it again at fusion. ahahahass.
now, waiting for Gamer to come up. MUahahahass.
no girls gonna to watch with me T.T, boy show? NOoooo..!

its deaddddddd... puiyee and i were just walking in town aimlessly. don't know what to buy, everthing seem so boringggg... ohnozx, this holiday? DEAD?

alright, i gonna to play my dead game already. age of empireeeeee! muahaaa!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

home is the best.

home is the best man.
i can finally stretch myself in my bed. at night in bed, we all like sleeping in our coffin can't move.
the trekking was the most fun and tiring activity. we had climbed for 15 hours and i had controled my shit for 26hours. oh nozx! can you imagined????????? 26 hours you know. i controled from around 1630 to the next day 1330 when i reached home. i thought when i fell asleep at night my shit will go back but it end up at the entrance... that's why i can't wait for elaine they all. zzzz.

day2 trekking was the most fun and tiring activity.
i love it and hate it.
alot of my classmates thought we all going to die inside.
it was alreaady at night, total darkness. we still at the middle of checkpoint 3 and4.
everyone was wondering how we going to get down the mountain when we were stilll high up.
we were not the worst one, there's still peace and truth behindd. actually i was quite scared. ppl said kota tinggi is very dirty so i scared i saw things! but i didn't lar.
managed to come down the mountain and reached our camp site at around 1am. damn freaking tired, we kept walking and walking its like never ending. errr... good life experience. ;D
aiyahh, alot to say lar.
shall not blog already, tired!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

camp er!

oh manzx!
in 7 hours and 40 mins...
oh manzx!
im gonna dieeeeeee!
though im dying, im quite excited! this is my first real camp? errr, real? maybe formal? or school organize?

went out with my family and cousins for lunch at turf city again. ate in the same resturant, nice!
later on went to vivo's daiso with my mother and vivian, have lots of slot of funnnn! yeahh! gonna dao by my mother alot of timesss! whyyyy.. T.T

man! shall end, if not tml cannot wake up and i cannot go for cammppppp!
alirght er! byebye er!

Monday, August 31, 2009

centre parting.

TsungTing PeiShan
i think Tsung ting will be quite shock. hahass
she might thinking how i have this pictures or even why i have this pictures.
during that time tsung ting was 14 and im 13, so long ago..
im a nerd. ewwwwwww...

school was fairly good.
you know why most girls' ass are big? its the school's freaking fault. force us to sit on the floor for freaking 2 hours. at least give us a break. argghhh.
soo, big ass girls don't blame yourselves having big ass.

actually i could go out with elaine they all lor. because of my tuition so i didn't go. then later on my tuition teacher called me, asked whether can postpone it to tomorrow. ZZZzz..

i need to find a day this week to go to post office myself. because XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX..
yah. ;DD


Sunday, August 30, 2009

im slow,

Peishan: i just knew what's ipod nano. Zzzz.
Shanpei: really? slowww...
peishan: i know, that's why i zzzz.
shanpei: so?
peishan: er.. you want?
shanpei: want whatt?
peishan: ipod nano, 4GB!
shanpei: really? you buy for me arh?
peishan: no la, i don't have $. =="
shanpei: then...
shall stop here. its a bit tiring...
get straight to the point.
any of you wan BRAND NEW IPOD NANO-4GB
costing 180bucks from australia. why from australia, because my friend is coming back from australia on 26 sept. you can chose your favourite colours and rmb its cheaper than singapore's ipodnano. its come here by airplane oooo. ^^
for more info,

Friday, August 28, 2009

double kill.

today is the don't know what ancient olympic, bloody lame.
i joined for the sake of joining. but quite entertainingg...
first was joking around with hazel and fiona.
hit once still alright, but he hit the second time. every throwers were laughing like mad. lols. joke of the day leh. joel still gave an innocent look, after the funny scolding from alsagolf. alsagolf didn't get angry, she also laughed, couldn't stand it. first time he hit her arms then later he hit her boots! lols!

i realized the ways hazel speaks to CKN is somehow same as how i speak to CKN. damn GL i know but CKN GL-ed first lor. freak herr.
"please leave."

i had chinese oral today also. was damn nervous because im the first. sat at some weird place, felt so empty. brain also empty. heart empty. everything empty. sigh. the result also empty.
because i was the first person so i ended the earliest. no where to go but to find my brother. felt so odd when im in the art room with a bunch of sec4 ppl. but phewphew, fiona called me and i went to meet her. talked and waited for people to come and meet us.
then blahblahhh...

the same mediacorp person approached me just now.
X conversation.
the gay: HEYHEY! how tall are you?
ps: 17...
the gay: how old?
ps: errrr.. 15? *smile
the gay: *gay smile. 15 only? what a pity... byebye
ps: *lesbian smile
man! am i soooooo... mature?

shall go and eat myselff.. T.T

Thursday, August 27, 2009

roll =="

so dumb so DAMN freaking dumb.
im not so sure that ROLL is one of the touch ruby's rule. but i followed.
the ROLL thingy for tiarso and junhui were rolling on the ground after you touch down. so i followed. and my pants was wet and dirty. thanks to themm... zzzz.

alright shall go now. byebye!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

puiyee and i were playing this game call FREEZE. i know its pretty stupid but its fun! that how we kill time.
i realized sth yesterday, puiyee and i, high at a different period. im high in the morning but low in the affternoon while puiyee is low in the morning but high in the afternoon. so its quite bored when she's low but im high but its also quite scary when im low and she extremely high. she bites.
yesterday's band was ... damn slack but fun!
eunice, fiona, seowyi and i were acting retared and wanted to scare ppl.
we had a little clip, we were scaring puiyee. there was no other ppl for us to scare so we took puiyee, and tried to scare her. she knew it already, she had already saw all the scaring process.
i will try to find a time and post the clip.

sunday went out with grace and puiyee, will post the pictures soon! ;DD

mango icecream is niceeeeeeeeee... taco.

it really stupid if you go to the web.

Friday, August 21, 2009

the person on your left.

conversation X.
peishan: mingli ah! you know hoh, the person on your left very annoying leh.
mingli: who? she(puiyee)
puiyee: mingli ah! you know the person on your left also very annoying leh.
peishan&mingli: HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAaaass..
i made it short and nice and let you all see the mainpoint. lols.
obviously she was saying herself. the person sat on mingli's left was puiyee.
HAHAHHHAHAAass! stupid girl.

puiyee had a very nice art period today. ;D
love to disturb her! HAHAHHAAHAHAAaass, stupid girl.

i didn't catch orphan, however i caught The Proposal. damn freaking hilarious.
but got one bunch of bitches sat really in front, laughing for really no reason.
eg, andrew was sleeping. just sleeping, no weird poses.
then they HAHAHAHAHHHAAAass.
its still nice. ;D

went back home and and and... yah!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


i know. i a bit slow or something. because america next top model was already held past few months. paisehh.
the freaking winner is teyana which i a bit...ewwww. it could be allison right? she so cute with her bigbig eyes and strong pictures. why issit teyana?
mr xiao and MRS YONG not in school today. damn sianz because i don't get my chemistry paper.
i waited for al long and she didn't come. ZZz, punch her lips. although they never come i had chance to talk to mingli, felicia, laimin,etc. damn fun but tiring because i some how do the most talking. hahas.
shall end here, wanna to play LEFT4DEAD. need to train, cannot be lousier than jovi they all! hmph!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

30 mins

soooo many people went.
what a pity there's no puiyee and linda.

today was alright. yesterday night was like... sighh.
i won't tell anybody except my mum so don't bother to ask me.
today took back english, chinese, physic and mathematics paper. i was alright no too bad not too good. yeah! i passed my english paper. i was so stress before i got my english paper. why the total marks for english was 43? so weird. but who cares, i managed to pass. ^^

ohyah! during mathe lesson, mingli, laimin, kaixuan and i went to the toilet. we stayed inside for 30mins, so its like nearly one period. so cool. i talked the most lor. when we didn't talk i looked at them they looked at me... so the only thing i could do is talk. but nevermind i love to talk.

shall end here, need to go and study for my japanese, tomorrow got class. T.T

Monday, August 17, 2009


YEAHYEAHYEAH! i finally watched a movie. lols.
i watched UP today which was damn touching and FUNNY.sigh, i cried. i know you all probably think that i'm lame but really i'm not the only one who cried, there's qiuying. AHAHAss. see? don't think big women don't cry, they have a small tiny little heart.;D if puiyee watched with us right, i think she will flood the whole cinema. lols.
*turned back.
actually we're watching hang up just now lor. however the FREAKING GL wretch didn't let us in.
but i know, she is right because we're under 16 BUT she no need to give us some GL face mah. i think probably qiuying elaine or seowyi or fiona will also post about her lor in their blog. freaking GL lady leh. however, we managed to catch UP.
we also took neoprint. ohyah, i will send it to tsung ting but...there's no puiyee. T.T
i want to watch THE TIME TRAVELER"S WIFE. if nobody gonna to watch with me, i will watch it on my own! so pathetic...
i want to watch,
The proposal
The time traveler's wife
the Final distination
i love you beth cooper
Dance flick
The year one
The ugly truth
500 days of summer
i need to spend 72 bucks to watch all these.
however, most of them are NC 16. hahas
phewphew, today's the last day of common tes 2.
yah common test 2 there's EOY!
shall end here and watch ANTM

Saturday, August 15, 2009

nothing better to do?

im drinking Breezer with my brother. i know its nothing much to you.
first, my mother let me have it, im under 18. again, nothing much to you.
second, i'm drinking with my mother, again and again, nothing to you.
third, i don't usually drink Breezer.
why is it nothing much to you?
first, you may have drunk it a thousand times a day or sth.
second, its only 4.8%.
soooo, nothing much. im a kid although im big. =="

my brother wanna me to accompany him to go somewhere. where? i don't know. for what? to study ==" this made me thought about what qiuying had said yesterday.
qiuying: i feel like studying leh don't feel like going out and walk walk with them.
peishan: common test is so over.
during exam you play computer and here and there.
exam over already you want to study?
hao yi ge study. =="
qiuying: heehee!

today went out with my family to turf city. i think its a city, yah.
my mother said turf city is at malaysia... which is not funny. how could she lie to me. zz...
i ate our lunch at ABC resturant. its not really named as ABC its just that i don't know what resturant is that... its nice, the food there is delicious, all prawn.
i think almost 90% of the waiter and waitress is from china.

after that we went back and rushed for our tuition. phewphew, i had already told my tuition teacher that we would be slightly late. howeever, its not slightly. ITS EXTREMELY LATE! my tuition teacher texted us and told us that we should postpone if not my face will sag? ==" so we postponed. later peiyen and i slacked underblock and we whispered our private stuffs. lols.
we chatted about 1 hours.
then went home at 1644 i started to play my age of empire until 2143. power. pretty boring but that's the only thing i could do after exam. lols.
ok. shall stop here. watching silent hills. ;DD

Friday, August 14, 2009

life so difficult.

next week got two more paper to go.
sigh. i screwed all my papers!
now just staying at home and eat myself.
first because i didn't to well for my papers, emo. second my mother allows me go out either on today or monday. since now i'm at home so i'm going on monday. so i told my tuition teacher that i wanna to rest or something. so difficult. but i don't know whether she will cancel off.

ok, byebye! need to write letter to tt liaoz.

Monday, August 10, 2009


today is Singapore National day. i watched the live on tv. it's so much better then previous years.
however, today is like other normal days, nothing much.
just got to really study! i thought qy and i can really study today, but we ended up chatting then elaine and hazel came along. lols. later, felt really dead. so qy went to my place and have frisbee with my brotherS and me. really fun because this is the first time playing frisbee with my eldest brother. lols, he sucks at frisbee, i think im better. =X

i think i really need to buck up. because i wasted alot of time this few days.
tomorrow? study! (i think)

wish tuesday is alright.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

just "relax"

yeah! this was the davinci exhibition. lols! it was really fun and memorable.
but,man! i realized there's no miss quek. i shall put one with miss quek too! ;DD

see? how cute she is! =X
i love art and my art teacher.

today, i wasted my whole day,
i woke up and accompanied my mother to the market.
nearly fainted or vomitted in the market . i don't know why.
but, what a pity, i didn't get the chance to go to the hospital. hmph!
later came back and play piano play LEFT FOUR DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, i didn't play left four dead for don't know how many years.
after common test 2, i wanna to go out with jovi they all and play LEFT FOUR DEAD!
then, went for my mathe tuition. NANNANANANANIIIIII! i saw her.
with nemo. ewwwwwww...
had fun with mr and mrs guan.
after tuition, went home and played left four dead again! played with some taiwan noobs. =X
then on and on and on and on...

that's how i wasted my whole day meaningfully... zz.
that's why tomorrow im going out and study with qiuying and elaine i think.
didn't dare to talk to puiyee currently. zzzz.
i asked my mother and my mother said.
"just relax."
" but i can't"
" just FREAKING relax lar." lols, actually she didn't said that FREAKING. ;DD

shall end! byebye!

"childish girlllsssss." she said.

Friday, August 7, 2009

over slept

whhaattttttttt the..
i overslept today. it happened this way.
it was 730am. i was half awake.
mother: 730 already. you are late already.
peishan: really?
peiyen: walaoz, can we don't go school today, somemore we are late.
then i can't hear a single thing.
peiyen: hahas, yah. good news, we no need to go to school already.
peishan: really?
can't hear single thing again. because im asleep. lols.
today alot of ppl didn't go to school. for my brother and i? i didn't really did it on purpose but we also so called did it on purpose.

today went out and study with elaine fiona qiuying and puiyee. linda and sutheng went home after that. they didn't study. lols. really fun, made fiona laugh until like SIAO! =X no breathe lah actually. sssooooooooooo funny. i used 5 hours to do sine and cosine rule. wasted alot. sigh.

lols! so happy now! feeling so refresh after talking to TSUNGTING! i think i spent 1 hour chatting with her. i so so damn alot of things to say! we talked about what happened today.
we talked about...
hsing man
what happened today. the fiona and puiyee thingy.
my height weight and her hieght weight.
talked about the da vinci postcard.
her life
my life.
and i am glared that i still remember her number.

oh yah, my brother wanna me to help him post this.
tuesday about 6 sth. he got his first cramp in his whole 17 years of life.

ok! TODAY IS FUN! i think im a joke lor. what i do or speak? its a joke. sigh ^^

and qiuying! just relax!

shall byebye! ;DD

hey man, try to reflect about yourself.

and hey mummy? i love you. my best listener!

and and! i shall see her this end of year!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

no more age empire but maple and audition

our lives are so exciting.
running away from alsagolf. ZZz.
i ran until half way then i realised puiyee was missing.
today papers was awesome.
i think i will fail my english by 2 to 3 marks.
for my chinese? erm, will pass, about 29/50.
man? there's no age of empire for me again. i was still talking about age of empire to hiqiuzx they all just now. later when i got home and i switched on the cpmputer and wanted to play my age of empire, its gone. ZZZzz
i had finished resetting my acc. wished it really works.
because i wanna to play my audition and maple. ;DD
downloading audition...
tomorrow is holiday. saturday is holiday. sunday is holiday. monday is ALSO HOLIDAY. wanna to stay at home to study. yah!

i shall go now! bye!

Monday, August 3, 2009

freaking love it.

there is a freaking good news to share to all of you.
our sec3 all level camp is coming,its at kota tingi and its the beginning of september which is the ghost month.
man! i freaking love it. *faint
i will bring my bible and jesus cross. god, i love you.

today was deaddddddd...

seriously, i need to start studying already. i only studied my poa and mathe. no good!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


today was a terrible day.
1. CKN
3.gigantic "innocent" girl
4. square relationship

horrible and vegetable!
sigh sigh.

1. CKN
not i wanna to bad mouth about her or whatsoever. she just sucks, and TOTALLY SUCKS! now i am thinking whether you all who read my blog will tell her. but.. WHO CARES? just tell her go *beep and *beep.
but we could have our test next week right, why must it be today? so last minutes. her mother never teach her before arh? does she like some random popped events? people got other events to attend and she so sudden and popped out a test. slap her old flabby face. still said i was rude? she was the one who *beep did this. unreasonable old sharp *beep flabby snake! haiyoh.
2. alsagolf.
nothing much about her. if i don't mention about it? i think most of the girlswould probably know what i wanted to say. another old flabby wrinky dog.
3. gigiantic "innocent" girl.
man! i didn't know she was like that. i was disgusted and TOTALLY DISGUSTED! *vomit.
i thought she was just an attidude problem girl and wanted some attention from ppl. but some how puiyee told me sth about her and made both if us..*vomit.
4. square relationship.
once again, the day is saved! thanks to the L.P.S girl. MUAHHAss.
i wasn't exactly saved. im meeting her tomorrow after my mathe tuition. to save her again!

aiyah, no time already. i wanted to upload some photos i took just now. in my memory, this was the first time i helped my mother to cook her dinner by myself. REALLY MYSELF! last time i always get the helps from my brother. so...yah!
shall end here! wanna to wake up at 830 tomorrow to jog!
i need to exercise already! fiona said im a snail. was she saying me fat indirectly? *hurt.

ps: hey *beep. don't be too sad! we are still 15 years old! still got centuries to go for! ;DD

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


im back!
just now played frisbee with my brother.
i learnt flick and pivot. yes!
again, bye!

Leonardo Da Vinci

just wanna to say yesterdy was totally awesome.
i love it.
it was my first time going out with my classmates and miss quek. miss quek booked one big bus just for us. 11 people taking a 30 to 40 sit bus. LOLS!
the exhibition was fascinating. AWESOME! i learnt alot, had lots of fun.
to thank miss quek, puiyee and i decided to make a ... for her.
ahahahaass! shall end here!
just wanna to say about yesterday.
and and and! Leonardo Da Vinci was a left handed!

Monday, July 27, 2009

meeting new ppl.

today, i just realized that im scared of meeting stranger or new people or new face or new whatever. i felt kinda stress up, cannot speak or think properly. that's bad.
now a days i have been doing research about left hander ppl. 90% to 93% of the adults are right handed. quite interesting! ohyah, somemore i can understand myself more. cool~

being an actress in the future may be your hobby .

Saturday, July 25, 2009

great progress reward!

last blog read was qiuyings.
yes, exam is coming. i haven't started a single thing and i am not planning to get started on a single thing. hhahaas, why? because i want to get the great progress reward! since im not going to study then i will get a freaking low result. however, during the end of year exam i will study and study and i will obviously "improve" alot. AHAHAHAHAASs.

i say only.

i just had my mathe tuition. awkward time.
first im stressed up, couldn't talk properly. so i think she couldn't really understand what i was talking about.
second i only did twenty questions for her. four mistakes so we finished discussing it in short time.
third we were talking about left hander using left brain and right handed using right brain.
i didn't know whether was i confused or she confused. i am a left hander using left brain but she said i am a right hander using right brain.

yesterday was my best parent meeting in my whole life!
mr loo said im good, miss quek said im good and mr xiao said im good.
hahahas. my mother and i only saw these three. the rest were either busy talking to other parents or missing. sigh, what a pity. i swear this year was my most obedient year, so if any teachers dare to talk bad about me i will hate her forever.

i tried the facial mask already but i didn't write her letter. zzz.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009


hahas. puiyee and i have been touching each other's bodys for the pass few days. felicia and laimin they all think that we are sicked. lols, i can understand them because they don't touch their good friends alot and they aren't puiyee or me. hahas!
yeah! today's japanese class was extremely successful but...
i passed my spelling and sentences structuring.
peishan? you had improved alot... for today.
i getting heavier and heavier, disaster.
most of the everybody thinks that they are fat including me.
most of the everybody thinks that they have to get on a diet.
most of the everybody ain't doing anything.

yeah! i had received my far far away bff 's letter.
there's a facial mask inside.
alright, i shall try it. ohyah? while i am trying it i will write the letter.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Harry Potter.

last friday, i had watched Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince with elaine hazel fiona jovi xingtang and daryl. its was awesome, not what i had expected. there were more romances but less climax. however, its nice, i don't mind watching it again.
harry potter looks some how the same throught out the whole harry potter episode, taller and slightly hotter. he looks the best in golbet of fire, i think.
however, docas mafloy looks different. he looks hotter than before, i think. ;DD
what i wanna to say is that day was fun. interesting and lame things happened.

xingtang said: Emma Watson fucking hot. hottest girl on earth.
i said: no. ha!

that's all. byebye!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


i am going to update my blog today.
since she do not want to tell me, i shall not ask anymore.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

heart stomach lan home

friday ended school at 1240, no band! hurray.
i could finish my important stuffs.

buy birthday card for mummy carol. go muji. photo copy japanese book and phantom of the opera. saturday, meet them at 1000 at bishah mrt station. buy exercise book and olevel mathe ten years series.
that's what i wrote in my phone. not really much, could finish in 2 hours time.
puiyee and i didn't eat proper lunch. she ate burgar while i drank chysanthemum tea(i think its was being spelled like that) around 2 to 3. our stomachs were nudging us. alright. puiyee said that she felt like eating japanese food. ha, thanks to qiuying. i brought puiyee to nihin mura. we ate the buffet over there. this was the first time i ate until so damn freaking full with puiyee. i could feel my skin tearing, TOO THE MAX! lols, not so overwhelming. both of us felt like vomitting, like seriously. i was alright at first but when we were in the mrt. man, i couldn't take it but there was nothing i could do. somemore puiyee kept poking my stomach. tmd! we ate from 3 to 5 i think. enjoyed alot. later, we spent 45 wondering in muji. i still need to go kinokuniya to buy my birthday cards. then we rushed here and there.
got home, went to do some homework. because still needed to go out with my classmates today.
now, i felt bad! i lied to my mum. nooooo, damn guilty. i told my mother that there's class gathering or meeting or discussion today. im included so i got to go. however, the truth was that i went out with jovi johann dan darly kenneth xingtang and PEISHAN and we played left 4 dead in lan. nnnoooo, felt bad! this was the first time i went to lan. my first time was in indonesia. enjoyed alot in both lan! hahas!
jovi was real kind. they actually leaving at 3 but i couldn't because i got tuition at 3 so i needed to leave at 2. jovi told them to leave at 1.30. ;D
why at 130 not 2?
because we eating mac for lunch.
later went for my second mathe tuition, still scared.
finished! went home with py and saw jl ew and l. *thunder something bad bad happened.
sorry couldn't continue about ......

alright today's evening was a disaster.
jl is irritating and not trustable.
ew is sick and vulgar.
l is irritating and hl.

shall end here! bye

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

limited thoughts.

feeling bored now. err, i think not now its for the whole days, maybe because of mense or something. i feel like taking pictures, after looking at its really awesome. i also went to hazel's blog, photoblog etc. its nice again. world is wonderful. however there's a question came up to me when i was browsing the photos.
where? i didn't know any places in singapore where there are nice natural views or whatsoever? where? the mainpoint is where where WHERE? so i gave up. sigh.
common test coming. there it goes again, study. =="

today is a joke. damn embarassing.
first, chinese teacher was teaching. i interupted her by asking her which chinese textbook A or B are we gonna to bring for the next lesson. everybody laughed plus kungseng's hi5. what so funny? its serious what.
second, alright i think that's quite rude. chinese teacher was teaching again. i forgot what she said. but i said,
" lao shi! ni ye hui si loh?"
everybody laughed plus kingseng's hi5. i was glared that they laughed because i realized its was quite awkward. i didn't mean to say that.

i guess im quite random. hmmm, yah!
man! feel like eating thai express again. never mind! i will tell puiyee.


Monday, July 6, 2009

clean but disorder

man! yesterday was a disaster. freak out by some people. but never mind, i don't care.

i woke up at 9 today. my dental appointment was at 9. i didn't rush.
i made it there by 915. nothing happened.
the auntie checked my teeth. clean! alright but she said that my teeth were not in order.T.T
i know i know.

susposed to study with qiuying and peiyen yesterday. it was alright at first. later jiale and anthony turned up. ohno, i couldn't study. i only finished half of my compo and half of my poa question. peiyen and qiuying? i don't know.

again, i shall end here. study again!

Friday, July 3, 2009

broken hand.

feel so clean now, just finished bathing.
sigh, what a day today.
tangnagi broke his arm. i meant ho dong. poor thing!
at first i didn't know anything because i was with puiyee, kengyee and wallace. later, leon ran to us.
"hahahahaaas! ho dong hahahahahahaaa! broke his arm."
" really meh? haahahahaaas."
many people crowded around ho dong.
" wha, really arh? i thought leon said that for fun.
at first, nobody believed leon. hahas.
i accompanied felicia to bishan park with peiyen team.
the atmosphere was damn low and damn quiet. mae, wenwen, ashley and felicia. gosh!
i cannot take it so i went to enwei and wallace to talk with them. T.T
but can understand because i don't really know them, this the first time. ;D
so, wish ho dong can get well soon if not i cannot disturb him during tuition.
shall end here! bye!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


is it so weird that girls play left 4 dead?
so shocking? =="

came back home from school. it susposed to have tuition but because of my brother we have to cancel the whole tuition. he can tell me earlier what so i do not need to rush home for nothing. i can stay in school and chat with the girls. zzz.

im talking to puizx and realize what is _l_ .
she saw it in jeremy's blog.
i saw it in one stupid conversation.

shall end here! study loh!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

10hours 25mins

man! school starts in 10hr and 25minutes time. can't wait? don't want to wait?
just wanna to get on to life. i am 15 years old now. the major part of my life is to study. duh.
during holiday, i wasted alot of time. at first i had planned to study most of the time when im free. so guess what i did not have any free time, though i was bored most of the time. just don't want to study lah! i was like thinking when school starts study also not too late what, still can catch up.
yah! i want to go to school. so the my life won't be so messed up.
what the heck? PHS have extended holidays because their school got one case.
WHYWHYWHY? our school do not have?
uh? im talking crap. ;DD

my mother ordered me not to meet up with puiyee till thurs. maybe she got "fk you"
haha. puiyee can't go to school till thurs. walaoz. bored to death.

i want to go to school and i want extend holiday!

Friday, June 26, 2009

nobody me!

yeah! puiyee is backked!
but i only can see her on thurday because she came back from the top ten country, thailand.
until thurday? wth, i will die. in school without herr. T.T nobody talked to me about ...stuffs and nobody play with me. wed ss lesson nobody gonna to scold madam chengkn with me. nobody me nobody me nobody me?
i can't see her, UNTIL THURDAY! *faint
err, i think im a lesbian.

today woke up at 1230pm.
i wondered to the toilet and sat in the toilet for 5 mins to finish my pee. later and i realized i forgot to measure my pee. ehh, i think i got mentioned to all of you how to measure your pee right? heh, let me repeat again.
first, before you go to pee weight yourselves.
second, go toilet and peee..
third, weight yourselves again and see the differences.
see! simple and nice.
crap, =="

wednesday, i went out with HIQIUZX. hahahhaaaas. we susposed to catch a movie but we ended up shopping and eating. lols, we spent most our time eating and chatting. kinda fun.
we checked up some nice dresses. ZZzzzz, really nice yeah!
why we do not have a bank of money?

age of empire! woiyok!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

gosh! where puiyee? i want puiyee! where is she! *cry
wth, actually not that bad lah. she's coming back tomorrow. but i think she gonna dio swine flu. =X *touch wood.
there's band today, kinda normal.
practise with mr sim, quite fun. i came home at 12.
played age of empire until 3.25pm.
now talking to a weird pakistan. Oo.

shall end here! bye!

Monday, June 22, 2009

long short post.

i uploaded this picture because elaine and hazel uploaded this picture on their blog including qiuying herself. im gonna to let everybody now.
how brave and dumb she was.
she is brave because she didn't cry althought her wound kept bleeding and bleeding and bleeding. its pretty cool and disgusting. she kept using her wound and harassed me. i don't like blood but i got to like it because im seeing it every month. no choice D;
she is dumb because she can't use the brake properly but that could be understood.
overall, im still proud of her. ohyah!
<----------------------pain worzx.

alright there were alot of things to blog today but i don't feel like blogging.
im feeling damn freaking sleepy.
yesterday i slept at 2 and i woke up at 8.
i went to market and take my jeans. okay lah, not so bad, can wear.
today blah blah blah.
went out with vivian for 1 and a half hour. she got "30mins' piano lesson" which took me 90mins to wait for her to end. it was alright because i can understand. ;DD
we went to bugis, bought myself a pair of harvanas and donuts.
came back home saw jiale and anthony at my house. lols.
finished my dinner, sat beside jiale and watched him played L4D. later switched to anthony, watched him played also, damn funny. he was making the online players fed up.
next, jiale asked me whether i wanna to play poker. erm, ok? i played with him and then forced chisiang to played wth us, then i invited pt76 to join. slowly py then vv. hahas. really fun! i can't stop laughing because chisiang really damn slow, REAL SLOW when we were playing heart attack. play play play... sicked of it already then we dispersed. they went home. silences!

picnic that day was really fun.
REALLY FUN!!!!!!! but screw the rain. sigh!
please see hazel or elaine or qiuyings' blog for more info. ;DD

shall end here! got to go to the library tomorrow.
;D byebye!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


just finished one comprehension without the summary. gotta to finish the summary later after blogging. sigh.
today stayed at home and did nothing. i only helped my mum with the dumplings. while helping, i was watching " are you scared?" i thought it was a ghost show but it wasn't. it was something like saw, so pretty disgusting. before i was helping my mum, qien suddenly texted me. alright, he was on time because i was almost killed by Mr bored and then he came and saved me plus my mum.
later went to swensen and ate earthquakes with pastor wee, chisiang and qien. it was quite quiet, we didn't have alot of topics to talked about. i think i did the most talking. my brain helped me alot by doing the brainstorming of topics, trying not to make the atmosphere awkward with silences.
after that i went for my hair cut. waited for 15 to 20 minutes so i texted qien.
went home, bathe, eat, did my compre and now 2351, blogging!
today was the first day puiyee not with me. kinda bored. no more my calls from puiyee.
first time wait for puiyee to come back. most of the time, she do the waiting. now, is my turn. i finally know the feelings! time ambled.
i love you, xiaopuiz.
man! i think im les.
2355, shall end here. byebye!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


no! puiyee is leaving at 1pm. i gonna to call her in the morning if i can.
today went to cafe cartel and studied with hiqiuzx and puizx.
kinda fun but i bet we wasted alot of time. i brought alot of hmwk there to finish. however, i only finished one. ZZZzz. we took quite a number of stupid pictures. aiyah, hiqiuzx offlined so early. my mother was playing computer just now so couldn't reply hiqiuzx and so couldn't get the photos.
i spent the whole afternoon with hiqiuzx and puizx.

need to go for jap class at 10. i also wish i can cut my bloody hair tomorrow. ;D


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


puiyee gonna leave me. she is leaving this wed, to bangkok. D;
i can't hear puiyee's voice for 7 days. i can't go out with her.

my BFF left me during 24 may 2005.
from that day onwards, when ever i am going back to taiwan puiyee will ...
puiyee: are you coming back?
peishan: obviously.
this time, she is leaving me.
peishan: are you coming back? D;
puiyee: shuttup lah.
lols, saw the difference?

today i went out with puiz.
we walked and walked... talked and talked.
funny and stupid conversation between us.
i will miss her durung these seven days.

tomorrow, i need to study! serious!
i am going to the library tomorrow!!!!!


Sunday, June 14, 2009


ohoh, decided to delete my previous post. that post was nonsense, sentences not link together.
erm, let me start from yesterday.

yesterday was kinda bored. i went for japanese class in the morning but i did not go for fellowship in the afternoon. i spent 5 hours watching tv and playing piano. when i got the feeling to study, jiale came to my house and started playing L4D. i tried to control myself but i couldn't, i was attracted to the computer. so the whole night i was playing and watching tv. i didn't touch my hmwk again.

today was fun. i woke up at 8 but i was tired so i lazed on my bed until 9 o'clock. then i washed up myself and headed to church. went for sunday school and on and on..
ohyah, i didn't know that guy was in my church. i thought he was in the english section. it was because i saw him today singing. hahas.
finally i touched my books today. erm, not exactly books, it was vivian's hmwk.
now, im bored. playing hexic with zhiyou. i got 49759 and i lost because the bomb exploded. zz.

my aim for this week.
do 5 compo and 2 compre.
finish all my school hmwk.


i shall end here.
i still need to prepare for tomorrow. tomorrow im gonna to...

nth lah, going out with my xiaopuizxzxzxzxzxzzz.

Friday, June 12, 2009


why people feel more hungry during holidays?
we did not burn the same usual amount of energy during school days, i thought we burnt lesser during holiday.
see? like today.
i woke up at 1030am.
i ate my breakfast at 11am(yogurt and wasabe biscuit).
i cooked my lunch at noon(korean instand noodle).
i had my pepsi at 1230pm.
man! cannot already, i need to get on a diet.

i reached home at 1030pm tonight.
yah, i did not stay there again.
i love the smell of my bed and my little blanket and bear.
my blanket and bear can be part of my history.
my blanket is pink and small. i think my blanket don't really smell but my mother always say that it smells. =="
my bear is white and white. it is not exactly white or white. it is abit greyish. my bear is quite special, one of its feet is bold.

we played water bomb today.
there were two sections. at first i thought there was only one, i was damn happy.
later got one guy said that he wanna to lend me clothes.

that guy: hey! why you standing here? why not join your friends?
me: ermm, i wear white tee how to play? somemore i did not bring extra clothes to change. AND! i don't want to play.
that guy: why? play lah.
me: don't want lah.
that guy: i don't care, i lend you my clothes and you got to play.
me: no need lah. my group had just finished playing already.
that guy: there's still second battle. i dont care you got to play.
me: ...
that guy: i lend you my clothe so you can change(gone)
(gone) na take!
me: okay loh.
so i played. argh! but thanks!
quite fun lah.

why? why people can't understand each other or think for them?
why so mean? think for her. i will ask her out one day and talk talk!

1.19. i shall end here. ;D

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

boredom and silence nearly killed me!

i had escaped from there. yes!
however, tomorrow i still need to go back.
i was in the yellow group. there were 11 people in the group but i only know 2 person, weijie and yiyun. sigh.

i slept at 2am and i woke up at 8am, today.
damn sleepy. the whole camp was quite boring.
after dinner, weijie, chisiang and i escaped ... and we went back home!
chisiang and i took bus home together. anything much, i was watching xiaoniang'er and red thread. i was keeping quiet for some unknown reasons.the bus was quite quiet so i got to keep quiet...
chisiang was trying best to sleep because he felt like vomitting. it was a long journey. that was my first time taking 59. quite squeezy and smelly. it took 1hr and 15mins to reach bishan, my ass hurts.

alright, i do not feel like blogging already.
i got songs to download, homeworks to do and people to talk to.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


this day had came, the expired date of my meiji milk.
i gonna to try it tomorrow. see whether there is any weird smell or taste.

today isn't as busy as i thought.
first, i didn't get the chance to go out with grace to celebrate her birthday.
second, my tuition teacher canceled today's tuition again.
she changed it to next next week's tuesday, wednesday and thurdays, 5pm.
ohyeah! finally there is a computer in my room. but...
why my computer could not install age of empire, my only CD game! T.T
why my computer cannot install audition??? my only online game leh!
this is life arhh...

today i watched Ip man again! i will watch it when im bored! ;DD
gosh! its tomorrow, i need to go for the youth camp.

byebye D;

Sunday, June 7, 2009

next week,

next week will be a damn busy week.

have to go for two tuitions.
Going out with my long lost friends. celebrating xiaogracegrace's birthday.
it was like FINALLY! most of our timings did not match.
wednesday to friday.
need to go for youth camp. ZZzz.
whywhywhy? why we must do stuffs that we dislike. i do not really know most of them. how you expect me to sleep with them? (erm, not that kind of sleep, ;D) arghhh!
i like to do things slowly in some ways. however, adults like to do things quicker in many ways. urgh!

fed up larhs!
byebye D;

Saturday, June 6, 2009

saturday at home.

oh no, i skipped fellowship again. i wished i can get up tomorrow morning to go for Sunday schools.
i had watched Ip man and Lake House for three and four times respectively. i just feel like watching again and again.

finally my house is empty and quiet now at 3.15
it contains only me, only one single living thing in it.
i can hear the crow and the bird screaming and chipping out there. the fan's sound and my keyboard's sound. im typing.
the warm wind is accompanying me now. its not comfortable but on the other hand its also comfortable. hahas.

i am drawing too. decided to paint but the attracting force of the computer attracted me in front of my computer and now i am blogging.

oh, got to go.
i need to watch P.S i love you. i have not watch it so later on i gonna to watch it.
i need to paint an download some songs.
the most important one, i need to find the score of the music box dancer.

byebye! ;D

Thursday, June 4, 2009

class gathering and went out with xiaopui

we had our 2faith class gathering yesterday. i was kinda bored. nobody wanted to played with me except kenneth. we played basketball. before that we went to kenneth's house and take basketball.
man! kenneth's room is extremely nice. its small and cozy. humph! i will get one for myself. talking to kenneth and johann were funny and tiring. funny was because it was funny! tiring because i needed to arrange proper sentences in my brain first before i could talk to them.
puiyee, kenneth, dinesh, prenesh, blue shirt guy, xingtang, dan and peishan which is me, we played basketball. it was fun because i was moving, i did not want to sit down and play cards, ZZz.
alright now i am going to say about yesterday's basketball match.
i was hit by the ball twice. first on my face and second on my neck. xingtang and i crashed together, i fell onto the ground. i hurt my feet, i can't walk properly now. ZZz.

ohyah, yesterday afternoon i went out with my BESTIEEEEEEEEEEEZXZXZXZXZ! yesterday's yesterday someone said that i abandoned my BESTIEEZXZXZXZX. ZZzzz.

i bought one dress. my mother said that it looks like pajamas. zz =="

Monday, June 1, 2009

20 days of relax

chenrui went back to taiwan today. we had popeye's for our lunch. man! it's awesome.
however, i suddenly remembered what vivian just told me yesterday.

when you eat too much chicken, your ovary might grow some unknown tumor.
because the farmer love fat fat chicken so they will inject them with some hormones to make them fat.

i think i gonna to die.

why? why parents want us to do the things that we don't want to do? why they want to force us?
i don't really know the youth over there, call me to stay over night with them? Zzzz.
actually i don't feel like going for the whole camp but to prevent the unhappiness between my mother and i or even my pastor, i suggested to just go for two day one night. my mother didn't allow it but she forced me to go for three days two nights. sigh.
there's alot of events next wednesday and she expects me to postpone it.
sorry, xiaogracygracegrace.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

annoying people.

i am a outdated person.
i just watched Ip man yesterday.
at first i thought Ip man was just some stupid thai show or some lame show.
but after i watched Ip man yesterday. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!. IT"S UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
tai MAN leh, cannot take it! *faint.

*woke up.

annoying people just can't think or learn.
your brain is so tiny. watch your mouth too.
fuck off you bastard!

phew, bye!

need to watch Ip man again! cannot take it! ;DD

Friday, May 29, 2009

all the while it was in my report book. ZZZz..


today afternoon, SHUANG!
me qiuying sutheng and the only boy, minchuen, went to bishan cc badminton court and played badminton.
fun fun fun and tired tired.
i kept playing and playing and playing. SHUANG SHUANG SHUANG!!!
i sweat like hell and i smell like anthony and enwei. ZZzz..
i think i had lose some weight just now.
all because of menses, i ate alot alot alot.
why why why? why am i a girl?
no, let me rephrase...
why why why? why not guys have menses?

phew. i thought i lost my holistic report card.
this was the story.
i opened my report book during poa lesson, ready to pass up.
however,i realized that my holistic record card wasn't inside.
"mr loo, later after school i pass my report book to you. i remembered to bring the report book but without the report card inside. "
after school i rushed home because later i need to meet up with qiuying to play badminton.
i went home and dug every corner of my house, i didn't find it.
i went to mummy and asked.
"you did sign my report card yesterday right?"
"yah, why?"
" i lost it! ZZZzz"
"i thought you put it into the book already?"
"did i?"
so i went to my report book and checked. it wasn't there.
"if mr loo call you and asked you where is my report book,tell him that your clever daughter lost the holistic report card so she didn't pass up the report book."
"alright, check properly first!"
i checked page by page and i ... ...


Thursday, May 28, 2009

scary and bad

reedited post.

today i was late because of the old alsagolf and mr william ho! ZZZZzz.
alsagolf : you need to sit down in 5 sec. 4 3 2 1.
mr william ho: stop! you're late.

amy chan called me out and told me that 1150 i needed to go to the library for the stupid speech.
why i so unlucky. i was chosen for the free topic speech. why chose me? my english isn't good. ZZzz.
today we got two talks. first was the kota tingi talk and second was the NYAA talk. boring!

During recess, the nice nice reputation of jiale was destroyed today.
after buying
noodles, i went back to my sit. PeiYen and wallace and jiale were sitting next to us. "..."
wallace was talking quite loudly so i turned and looked at them.
WWHHHAAAAaa... its hot over there. i can FEEL the heat. don't know lah, jiale was just complaining things.

is he...
not my problem ...

jiale was EXTREMELY angry. whhhaaaa.. i could see the FIRE.
his face was the nice nice jiale face but the small little eye ballSS wasn't.
i told hiquizx and xiaopuizx immediately. they turned and SAW!

in poa tuition today. there was a bigbig disaster.
i grabbed her hand. she kissed me. *faint
i think she got some lesbian blood or whatsoever in her body.
veiveiwen arhh! you got my *** liaoz why are you still doing this to ME!
horrible horrible.
i am straight, T.T don't do anything to me. vivian don't...

i didn't go buffet
because i was sad.
my pastor said something sad today. T.T

i think i need to stay 1 metre away from jiale and vivian.

vivian kissed me today again. *faint.
jiale isn't the nicenice jiale. "..."

alright that's it. byebye ;D

i shall call vivian and jiale to read my blog ;D

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


i really cannot take it.
today i went for physic tuition. my guan was very late. alright, i still can take it until here.
when he reached. we sat down and kept quiet. we didn't talk. he was busy messaging, i had nothing to do. so i read chapter 7. we still didn't talk, its about 30minutes. 30 MINUTES! damn long you know. i cannot take it, I NEED TO TALK!

really! mr guan you need to talk so i can talk.
i cannot take it.
because i cannot take it so i talk to you(physic book).
why so quiet...

this is what i wrote in my physic book. ZZzzz.
i think i need to change my attitude. i feeling BAD NOW!
alright, let's go back to yesterday.
wallace disturbed me. i was damn angry. anthony talked to me, but i was damn DL so i gave him a freaking GL face. i felt really bad after that but i didn't apologize. because its weird.
so now..
sorry, anthony. i didn't mean to give you a GL face. T.T

i don't want to be a GL girl or attidude bitch.
i want to be ... don't know.

there's a ba la gu on my head. all because the hero xingtang. =="
ouch! ITS HURTS! i was hit by the stupid Frisbee. ZZzz..

byebyezzzz. ;DD

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

ZZZz day.

erm, today is Tuesday.
i love tuesday and thursday because i can wear uniform.

recess time.
i stood behind wenhui and erina.
minutes later, wenhui started tapping on people's shoulder and said hi to them.
whaa, gg liaoz. she confirmed would turned back and say hi to me. CONFIRMED DAMN AWKWARD.

wenhui: HI!
erina: HI!
keeping smiling.
peishan: ermmm... HI!
both of them giggled. ZZZZzzz.
erina: hahahs, why you gives us that face. hahahahas.
wenhui: yahloh.
peishan: ermm.. because it's weird and awkward.
erina and wenhui continued to laugh for don't know what reason. on and so on.
alright already lah. not so hate them as before. they quite funny and random.

i hate wallace and kotaro.
one suan me another trip me.

byebye, gonna to play either cs with jiale or L4D with online players. ;DDDD

Monday, May 25, 2009

first time.

i failed my mathe.
i first time failed my mathe.
i hate FAYE TAN a lot because she made me failed my mathe.
gosh, how am i gonna to tell mamii. ZZzz.

my overall sucks.
english: 56
chinese: 66
mathe: 47
science: 72
combined humanities: 52

man! i feel like vomiting because i just finished playing L4D.
awesome game but gross.

bye. im going back again.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

1213 24 may 09

Happy Birthday to Vivian.
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you.
happy BIRTHDAY to Vivian.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

it's hot. it's nice. i want to die.

it hurts when it smiles.

today i went for Japanese class at 10am. nothing really happened.
i felt sleepy.
i love Japanese during Japanese class.
i hate Japanese when there's no Japanese class.
i learn Japanese is not because i want to go japan or what.

QN:then what i learn jap for?
ANS: ermmm, because its for my own good.
QN:what good?
ANS: don't know, for the future.


oh yah.
i have my dinner at thai express today. because tomorrow is veiveiwen's birthday.
tomorrow she got sth on so can't treat her, so mamii decided to treat her today.
it's hot. its nice. i want to die. i want some more!

end! sick of blogging. BYE!

Friday, May 22, 2009


phewphew, i passed all my subjects. i am quite disappointed with my mathe and chemistry. but still okok de lah.
i don't really like swimming. i heard that elaine, seowyi, qy and puiyee went swimming this afternoon. when i wear swimming suit, i looked like a pig and i don't even have a swimming suit.
this afternoon i went to bishan cc and played badminton with my family without pt76.
QY: ...never come.
PY: ...same.
ok. byebye. i wanna to play L4D liaoz.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


one left. i nearly cried but i didn't.
because i know she will not be gone forever, like duh. she just 3248km or 2018miles away for us.
there are still plenty of chances. ;D i am 15.

stupid old woman, she entered the class.
"sorry, im late. *hahahahaas."
i was waiting. A few minutes later, she leaved.

ca1 is over. June holiday is around the corner.
i need one pair of jeans, one havaianas and one pak bag(optional).
jeans, i always wear skirt to church.
havaianas, i need one to go fairprice or shopping or ...
pak bag, i don't want to carry the py cow bag to school.

things around us are gifts from God.
don't abuse it.
DIXON i got a gift for you.

Dixon, F*ck you.

Friday, May 15, 2009

15 may '09

today's art exam. GOSH!
i screwed them all. i can just go eat shit and die.
i think i will probably fail eng and ss. *sigh
next week there's chemistry, mathe and literature. zzz.

another good news. jiale spoiled my havaianaz. my cousin gave it to me and he just ...
but never mind. not so sad lah. T.T

ok. byebye. i wanna to play left dour dead!

Monday, May 11, 2009

happy mother's day.

now is 1.36am but let's turn it back to 1159pm.
Happy Mother's day!

jiale is now standing beside me. staring at the screen. he said" looking so diao!"

i blogged for the fun of blogging.
no lah, just wanna to say happy mother's day. ;DD

Friday, May 8, 2009

time don't wait

tick tick tick... tick tick tick.
today i had my English and Chinese examination.
kinda disappointed. sigh.
i studied physic chapter 5 and six, not much. i think later i gonna to continue.
later shifu gonna to stay over. what a pity, en wei and THEY ALL didn't get the chance to stay. study...
i wasted alot of precious time. sigh.
i thought i can study ss, lit and physic.
NNOOOoo. *punched myself.

i am not a emotional person.
optimist. ;D