Wednesday, September 23, 2009


actually we watching gamer lor. arghhh, M18. zzz.
draggy show. glared that you all didn't show. D;
but i did contract my butt because some parts were really trilling.
we watched 420 show. which there's ....nobody nobody nobody but WE! hahahaahss. i think not even ten lor. ohyahohyah, only qiuying, peiyen and me went to watch. man! FREAK THOSE PPL. i hate this kind of ppl lor. last minute last minutes. on off on off... but sighh, still friends! T.T

shit man! didn't take pictures.
plan failed too!

in school was qiute high but after recess was like totally deadddd! but thanks to myyy PUIPUI, she made herself the joke. hahahahaass!

shall end here! got to gooo.. and study lorr!

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