Tuesday, July 7, 2009

limited thoughts.

feeling bored now. err, i think not now its for the whole days, maybe because of mense or something. i feel like taking pictures, after looking at lookbu.nu. its really awesome. i also went to hazel's blog, photoblog etc. its nice again. world is wonderful. however there's a question came up to me when i was browsing the photos.
where? i didn't know any places in singapore where there are nice natural views or whatsoever? where? the mainpoint is where where WHERE? so i gave up. sigh.
common test coming. there it goes again, study. =="

today is a joke. damn embarassing.
first, chinese teacher was teaching. i interupted her by asking her which chinese textbook A or B are we gonna to bring for the next lesson. everybody laughed plus kungseng's hi5. what so funny? its serious what.
second, alright i think that's quite rude. chinese teacher was teaching again. i forgot what she said. but i said,
" lao shi! ni ye hui si loh?"
everybody laughed plus kingseng's hi5. i was glared that they laughed because i realized its was quite awkward. i didn't mean to say that.

i guess im quite random. hmmm, yah!
man! feel like eating thai express again. never mind! i will tell puiyee.


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