Friday, June 26, 2009

nobody me!

yeah! puiyee is backked!
but i only can see her on thurday because she came back from the top ten country, thailand.
until thurday? wth, i will die. in school without herr. T.T nobody talked to me about ...stuffs and nobody play with me. wed ss lesson nobody gonna to scold madam chengkn with me. nobody me nobody me nobody me?
i can't see her, UNTIL THURDAY! *faint
err, i think im a lesbian.

today woke up at 1230pm.
i wondered to the toilet and sat in the toilet for 5 mins to finish my pee. later and i realized i forgot to measure my pee. ehh, i think i got mentioned to all of you how to measure your pee right? heh, let me repeat again.
first, before you go to pee weight yourselves.
second, go toilet and peee..
third, weight yourselves again and see the differences.
see! simple and nice.
crap, =="

wednesday, i went out with HIQIUZX. hahahhaaaas. we susposed to catch a movie but we ended up shopping and eating. lols, we spent most our time eating and chatting. kinda fun.
we checked up some nice dresses. ZZzzzz, really nice yeah!
why we do not have a bank of money?

age of empire! woiyok!


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