Thursday, June 18, 2009


just finished one comprehension without the summary. gotta to finish the summary later after blogging. sigh.
today stayed at home and did nothing. i only helped my mum with the dumplings. while helping, i was watching " are you scared?" i thought it was a ghost show but it wasn't. it was something like saw, so pretty disgusting. before i was helping my mum, qien suddenly texted me. alright, he was on time because i was almost killed by Mr bored and then he came and saved me plus my mum.
later went to swensen and ate earthquakes with pastor wee, chisiang and qien. it was quite quiet, we didn't have alot of topics to talked about. i think i did the most talking. my brain helped me alot by doing the brainstorming of topics, trying not to make the atmosphere awkward with silences.
after that i went for my hair cut. waited for 15 to 20 minutes so i texted qien.
went home, bathe, eat, did my compre and now 2351, blogging!
today was the first day puiyee not with me. kinda bored. no more my calls from puiyee.
first time wait for puiyee to come back. most of the time, she do the waiting. now, is my turn. i finally know the feelings! time ambled.
i love you, xiaopuiz.
man! i think im les.
2355, shall end here. byebye!

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