Friday, August 21, 2009

the person on your left.

conversation X.
peishan: mingli ah! you know hoh, the person on your left very annoying leh.
mingli: who? she(puiyee)
puiyee: mingli ah! you know the person on your left also very annoying leh.
peishan&mingli: HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAaaass..
i made it short and nice and let you all see the mainpoint. lols.
obviously she was saying herself. the person sat on mingli's left was puiyee.
HAHAHHHAHAAass! stupid girl.

puiyee had a very nice art period today. ;D
love to disturb her! HAHAHHAAHAHAAaass, stupid girl.

i didn't catch orphan, however i caught The Proposal. damn freaking hilarious.
but got one bunch of bitches sat really in front, laughing for really no reason.
eg, andrew was sleeping. just sleeping, no weird poses.
then they HAHAHAHAHHHAAAass.
its still nice. ;D

went back home and and and... yah!

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