Wednesday, January 14, 2009

puiyee de birthday

おたんじようび おめてとうございます!

wha, today is xiao puizxzxz de birthday leh. da jiejie.
she today damn paiseh, which i know and don't know why. lols
anthony they all keep singing happy birthday song. damn loud. lols. like the whole world all know.
just only one... okay NONONOOO.STOP! cannot say liaoz, ZEEP!
but also must thanks to him. if not today her birthday will be like SHIT. =="

what the hell! ==" i don't get it why my SS teacher must smile at the end of her sentences. damn freaking... smile at me some more. first time when she smiled at me, i turned away. second time when she smile at me, i stare at her but i turned away the next minute because she face too disgusting and funny.

Secondary one conductor or tutor or teacher or what ever shit. SHE SUCKS and she is very disgusting, she got a manly face and figure. she thinks that she very good pro?what the hell, =="the women got attitude problem leh. paid? so what? her attidude like that hoh, all the secondary one all gone already lah. asshole.

yahyah, end! byebye.

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