Saturday, January 24, 2009

home-d day

i am playing loco roco now. but i am damn freak out by the black black thingy. argh!
okay back.
today i stayed at home all the day except that i helped my mother out at fairprice to take some things that my mother bought.
this morning,i woke up at 0945 because i heard my mother scolding. scolding who? obviously was the once who was still sleeping, i was included.
i dreamed/dreamt(whatever, i forgot how to spell) that i was peeing, but thanked god i didn't pee on the bed. only that my toilet bowl was damn thirsty and let it drank my urination . oh yah, yesterday night i didn't go pee before the bed, so today morning my pee was 900g again. that was ridiculous, i know.
i was cleaning my room today, the whole morning. later i played age of empire because i was bored. i helped my mother out again, the carrot. my mother wanted to make carrot cake. i don't like it but i also like it. i like it because it taste nice. i don't like it because my mother always wanted me to help and sometimes it don't really taste nice. oh yah, i think the carrot cakes got some of my blood and skins. because i cut myself. oops!
this afternoon, i finally ate my favorite Korean instant noodle, its nice and full. this afternoon i watched the bedtime stories and the haunting of molly...(forgot again)
1430 i supposed to meet qianning. asshole, my mother didn't allow me to meet her because i was late. hello? i purposely late okay. i wanted to go to cell group together with qianning. argh! because i didn't go cell group today so qianning gonna left out. sigh. i told my mother when it is time i wanted to change to a English church. because i don't feel like i am belong to this church. if in this church there's no qianning i will be the one gonna left out also. there are some small cliques in the church, and they stayed in there cliques, and ignored us. i am forever new to them, stranger or weirdo?
today puiyee was emo-ing the whole day she said. i asked her whether she was dying. she replied that she was going to. from preventing her to die i called her. i asked her what happened why she no mood why she so sianx. she told me two reasons. i can't blog it here. its private. i can blog here that her reasons were damn dumb if you all know but it meant quite alot to her. ;D
tonight, i played age of empire AGAIN and blogged and downloaded songs and helped puiyee to settle her blog. yahyah.

alright thats it. byebye ;D

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