Saturday, January 31, 2009


yesterday and yesterday's yesterday and today were damn tired. sigh.
yesterday we were doing marching, AGAIN! we were doing the syf video part 2.
hahas, stupid sutheng turned wrong side. ehhhh, actually me also. i turned wrong side two times but its not my fault. it was sutheng's fault because she had confused me. really, its damn freaking embarrassing. everybody was looking at me when i turned wrong side. si kun seng and dylan laughed at me...ZZzzz si sutheng also.==" also not purposely.
oh yah, the trombone guy is so vulgar...
after band, i met up with qianning, and we went to pan chuan dao's house together and... i felt left out. but phewphew my novel accompanied me. ;D
later i went home and blahblahhh...
i love twilight. damn nice. twilight, new moon, eclipses, breaking down and followed by midnight sun? i not sure. but ... its just awesome. i want to but all!! muahahas, if i can.
okok yahyah, don't want to blog liaoz. ;DD

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

two bored day.

yesterday and today were the two bored day.
really really bored, nothing to do.
yes! i finally watched twilight. damn nice, because Robert Pattinson is really hot!
yesterday i rotted at home, i didn't have the mood to do my homework and study. i don't know why. just now also. but i think after blogging i think i will go and do my homework, its graded.
sigh, tomorrow going to schoool already. bored again, but is better than staying at home.
yahyah, that's it! byebye ;D

Sunday, January 25, 2009

new year eve

today went to church without qianning. lols, i didn't do any physical contact with them and later i went out with my brother.
amkh really do not have any thing to shop. sigh.
i went out with my brother today to buy elaine's present. what the hell, amkh don't have any shit to buy. so i decided to go to orchard. then my brother disagreed and he went home.
HAHAs! my bitch called me on the right time. so in the end i went out with my bitch. we went to kinokuniya and the wood wood shop which i forgot what is the shop name again.
okay... now my turn to emo liaoz. don't feel like blogging.
1. i bought jam hsiao de book
2.i bought elaine de present
3. i bought sevennteen
4. today is bored!
yahyah, byebye!
Pei Shan is stupid

By: PT (his bro)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

home-d day

i am playing loco roco now. but i am damn freak out by the black black thingy. argh!
okay back.
today i stayed at home all the day except that i helped my mother out at fairprice to take some things that my mother bought.
this morning,i woke up at 0945 because i heard my mother scolding. scolding who? obviously was the once who was still sleeping, i was included.
i dreamed/dreamt(whatever, i forgot how to spell) that i was peeing, but thanked god i didn't pee on the bed. only that my toilet bowl was damn thirsty and let it drank my urination . oh yah, yesterday night i didn't go pee before the bed, so today morning my pee was 900g again. that was ridiculous, i know.
i was cleaning my room today, the whole morning. later i played age of empire because i was bored. i helped my mother out again, the carrot. my mother wanted to make carrot cake. i don't like it but i also like it. i like it because it taste nice. i don't like it because my mother always wanted me to help and sometimes it don't really taste nice. oh yah, i think the carrot cakes got some of my blood and skins. because i cut myself. oops!
this afternoon, i finally ate my favorite Korean instant noodle, its nice and full. this afternoon i watched the bedtime stories and the haunting of molly...(forgot again)
1430 i supposed to meet qianning. asshole, my mother didn't allow me to meet her because i was late. hello? i purposely late okay. i wanted to go to cell group together with qianning. argh! because i didn't go cell group today so qianning gonna left out. sigh. i told my mother when it is time i wanted to change to a English church. because i don't feel like i am belong to this church. if in this church there's no qianning i will be the one gonna left out also. there are some small cliques in the church, and they stayed in there cliques, and ignored us. i am forever new to them, stranger or weirdo?
today puiyee was emo-ing the whole day she said. i asked her whether she was dying. she replied that she was going to. from preventing her to die i called her. i asked her what happened why she no mood why she so sianx. she told me two reasons. i can't blog it here. its private. i can blog here that her reasons were damn dumb if you all know but it meant quite alot to her. ;D
tonight, i played age of empire AGAIN and blogged and downloaded songs and helped puiyee to settle her blog. yahyah.

alright thats it. byebye ;D

Friday, January 23, 2009


Korean guys.
Korean girls!! ;DD

why so many people so angry or emo or sad today huh?

today i was alright. i actually wanted to wear my home clothes, because got band so i lazy to bring PE attire. zzz.
my knee still very pain because my wound was teared when i got home den i realized. i didn't really march, i only marched for about 15minutes, so hazel was angry?
ohyahohyah, korean people all damn freaking adorable! the girl were so cute.the way they talked so korean. me linda quiying cherie and sutheng? took picture with them.
whaaa. chicken! that cute guy don't want to take pictures with us. he said nonono in korean language, don't think i don't know hoh i got watch korean drama. chey~. haiz.
today melody also came to our school ;DD i told her about our school yah. sigh. blahblahblah...
de later we went for band!
okok. yahyah byebye. don't want to blog liaoz. ;DD

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Walaoz. damn paiseh,i fell down today,at the slope.Hate it.My arm,knee and palm were hurt. TMD.
i don't have enough skin already leh. the stupid sunburn. now my nose and cheek, two words, VERY DISGUSTING. because the skins are dropping off. T.T oh yah, the way i walked was not exaggerate ok. it was really very pain. cannot bend! STUPID ... ARGH!
nothing much. end! don't feel like blogging. ;DD
yayahh byebye! ^^

Saturday, January 17, 2009

scary and tired.

si Anthony didn't let me go for nafa and other art schools with ms quek. because i didn't know how to go to nafa so today didn't go for nafa but go out and slack with band members. TMD, he didn't let us go for nafa never mind already, chicken nana pokk.he let Dan go but didn't let us go. what the hell.
today in band drills drills drills. damn tired but quite fun. at first i thought today will be a bored day but it turned out not so bad. okok. at the end of the band, all the squats combined and marched together. ppl ppl, its damn horrible, so the sir and madams called us to redo and redo and redo again and again. phewphew, at the end i didn't feel really very well. so i raised up my hand and said:"sir may i fall out and rest...." MUAHAHHAas, i had escaped from the beginning of the suffering? or the disaster? whatever. but really lah i don't really feeling very comfortale. my bone beside my right neck its ...very weird. den my chest very pain like cannot breathe like that... yah. uncomfortable. yahyah.
after that we went for lunch. i see and observe people. one by one all very guai lan except band members. ;DD when i finished my lunch. whaaa, i don't know why my mouth feeling very ... weird wanted to drink and drink and drink. so i asked robin and alvin whether they wanted to drink their soup, they want but they said they would drink half and let me drink and other half. YEAH! but they called me soup kid in hokkien.
after that... we went to the playground beside the bbt and we started to slack. we played chop chilli chop chlli chop chilli chop and ting ting ting ting tang tang tang tang ting ting tang tang do ro e ro ....whatever. damn dumb but quite fun. yahyah.hazal and i were like the only female in the game. and later puiyee joined in and ....* hate her. after playing those game we started to rot.
today's sun ahh, don't know why leh, damn freaking hot. she got PMS issit? my skins were burning we started to hide under the shelter in the playground, i forgot what was that liaoz. very funny. TMD si en wei throw ice at me. the ice was spitted out from his mouth, and there was HIS SALIVERRRR. arghhh felt like buying a cup of bbt and pour on him ==". disgusting. today actually i was about to ask jeremy why... he got so much hair...too much liaoz. oops! but i didn't ask. haiz. lols.
after that... we all, erm not we all. were robin YPY LPY and me went to bishan park and blah blahblah...
later about 1825 called me. zzzz. cal me to go home andd his hung up my call. gosh! i knew it, she was angry... badbad. <i am L.P.S!!! from Love Your Head.....>


yahyah, alright. byebye

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

puiyee de birthday

おたんじようび おめてとうございます!

wha, today is xiao puizxzxz de birthday leh. da jiejie.
she today damn paiseh, which i know and don't know why. lols
anthony they all keep singing happy birthday song. damn loud. lols. like the whole world all know.
just only one... okay NONONOOO.STOP! cannot say liaoz, ZEEP!
but also must thanks to him. if not today her birthday will be like SHIT. =="

what the hell! ==" i don't get it why my SS teacher must smile at the end of her sentences. damn freaking... smile at me some more. first time when she smiled at me, i turned away. second time when she smile at me, i stare at her but i turned away the next minute because she face too disgusting and funny.

Secondary one conductor or tutor or teacher or what ever shit. SHE SUCKS and she is very disgusting, she got a manly face and figure. she thinks that she very good pro?what the hell, =="the women got attitude problem leh. paid? so what? her attidude like that hoh, all the secondary one all gone already lah. asshole.

yahyah, end! byebye.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

fucking hell.

wha. i am feeling damn fucking du lan. i just don't understand why my parent don't let me go and work. we have some sort of finiancial problem, never mind i help out. wha cheebai she come and reject me, i am helping her leh. if working and studying together is very tired, at least let me try, know or feel it. so i know yah, my mother is right. but she didn't tell me and just reject me with a fucking tone.
just end here, feeling damn du lan.
chee byebye

Sunday, January 11, 2009

out with PEEGGY.

after church i went out with PEGGY!
actually i am watching twilight today but i didn't.==" because vivo city didn't have twilight showing over there. walaoz.
den we ate our lunch at mache, ok it was awesome. that was my fourth time eating dinner or lunch over there. must thanks to PEGGY. it was great. XD
after lunch around 2plus we went walking around vivocity. we kept walking back to the some place * i think.
later we went to pigeon(page one), guess what i saw JAM HSIAO's new book. OH my ***!!! i want it so so so so much. actually i got enough money to it immediately but i need to buy present for puiyee's birthday.. ZZzz. so i must bared with it first wait for the next time i go out again. haiz
oh yah oh yah ohh. PEOPLE! don't go national geographic! the staffs SUCKS! what the hell.
PEggy and i went into the fitting room to take some pictures. whaa, CHEEBAI. the staff knocked the door heavily. we opened the door. the fucking staff said:"please come out. this is a fitting room not a play room and please don't do vandalism inside." den gave us a kaobei face. whaa, after that peggy and i were damn freaking du lan. they thought we were KIDS so could talk to us like that lah. basterd. *sorry too du lan liaoz. after that incident arh.. peggy and my mood were totally destroyed but him, den we kept thinking of the fucking incident. cheebai. don't talk about it already lah, damn du lan.
after that slowly we forgot about that liaoz. we went to bugis later muji later J.CO to have our tea there next we went to cold storage. den,
"excuse me miss" someone said
"ok sorry" peggy replied.
lmao, it was regina. hahaas. next we went to kinokuniya to find seventeen, ?!?!?! not seventeen singapore. and guess what again? nanapokk, i saw JAM HSIAO's new book again. i was to buyy!!!! but i must bared with it AGAIN... arghhh.
we went starbucks, peggy helped me get one bottle which i wanted since last year but i didn't bought it. i just doubt about it. haiz. later she helped me get one drink again. that drink i don't know what was it but its nice.
den i went home.
on the way, i saw ang mo. why most ang mo all so hot and cute. why? but he alight at the next stop. =="
later i just went home.
yahyah thats all. byebye! ;D

Friday, January 9, 2009

just finished my breakfast.
i think later i am not going for fellowship. why? i don't know, just don't feel like.
yesterday was so damn tiring. bag was so heavy, still need to bring band full uniform, flute and black high heel shoes. what the hell! my shoulder damn pain! >.<
the performance sucks. what performance? obviously is the stupid orientation performance for the secondary one. we played overture and disco lives. what the hell, it sucks. really, i say it from the bottom of my heart. lols. when we played wrongly, i looked at mr sim, mr sim looked at me. OOHh...awkward!!
after that we went outside the auditorium, concourse and parade square to chase and force the secondary one to join band! we were like shouting " JOIN BAND!" continuously like crazy.
after that i got tired and sat beside my brother and rot with my brother. the rest of the band members came down with their instrument. later i saw people playing other people's instrument. ohh... cool. so i started asking permission to play Elaine's trumpet. GOSH! theres sound. then i ask for puiyee's sax. she don't let me play T.T so i said something... after a while she let me play leh. later i played chi siang de. THE FEELING OF PLAYING OTHER PEOPLE"S INSTRUMENT IS SO GOOD! i don't know why.
later people started asking me how to play flute, en wei Jeremy David. the way they played were so damn funny. lols. i teaches them the fingerings, their fingers is gay and stiff.
den blah blah blahh.
whatever lah, the main points were yesterday was very tired but happy. okok.

yahyah byebye!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Today damn freaking tired. yesterday i slept around 1am because i need to do my holiday assignment. i still need to do maths and Chinese leh. geography just say i don't have, but i really don't have.
today in school had POA physic Chinese and English. nothing really happened. after school was quite fun. puiyee and me saw GRACE so we went up to her. then you started our normal retarded topics to talk, three of us talking but our ***s. hahass. so in the end we were so damn high.
later puiyee told me that Elaine wanted me to teacher her piano. okay i went there.
then, ohh, ITS HUMAN! they introduced a human to me, oh yay! at first i thought she like good good dumb dumb like that. in the end i realized that she was all most as crazy as me ==" dio shock. next i don't know why am i so high. i started to make them laugh and spoiled my good reputation. actually my reputation also not very good already so ah ga ah ga anything larhs.
later there was a damn idiotic and irritating guy called jeremy. whaa... chicken nanapokk want to hi five with me arh? den trick me arh? trick me never mind still like other people see. ARGH! next time don't think i will gonna trick again. go away!

arghhh. *shouted BYE!

rush hours

wha. today must rush already. need to do holiday assignment and i did not do. soo.. obviously i must do now ==" but phew phew i just finished my four English newspaper articleS. and now i need to do science holiday assignment. can't the teachers just like print it out for us and call us to do and no need to use computer to search for our stupid science freaking articles. arghh...
today got band my hand was like bloody pain because of the flute pressing against my palm, the vein was like came out already. haiz, because the stupid orientation coming. just tomorrow de tomorrow which is Friday. then in band damn funny. lpy and me were like nothing to do like that. talking here and there,oops!, later we stared at en wei. lols. his face so damn freaking funny, especially when he make the blur face and the time when he blow the trumpet. then we turn to look at ypy, nothing much because she keep practicing her saxophone. *clapX3
after band...qiuying sutheng puiyee and me went to mrt station but i separate with them when i reached buzz. wha,bloody shit, i never bring the wallet how to buy the sweet, damn freaking paisehh. but no choice but to way away.
later i saw Linda and Seow Yi...lols den i followed them to bbt and saw my lpy. then i started to nag at him. "brother its time to go home later you gonna scolded again" den alvin looked at me and blahblahblahh. actually i was about to go home after i told lyp. den alvin said if later getting scolded by mother , den let your mother scold two of you together lah at least got accompany rather den one person gonna scolded. wha, den i nothing to say and don't know why i sat down them and laugh laugh laugh. ==" seriously, all kind of stories or whatever it is Jeremy Anthony lpy Alvin blahblahblah den all can crap one leh. really arhh... wo bai gei te men ahhhhh....
later go home... phew phew. ;DD obviously didn't really get scolded.
after dinner all rush for homework. graded assignment. haiz poor me.
nearly everyday carrying 5.8kg of freaking heavy books. like that estimate 6kg liaoz lehh.. heavy leh. ypy will bian short leh ;D *oops!

oks.. its late. byebye.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Second day of school.

today is the second day of school. Maths lesson had started already and what the hell i don't really know what the fucking teacher was talking about. i don't like her leh. the way she talked was so arrogant and disgusting. haiz, sorry to say her until like that. hahas.
today afternoon i slept the whole afternoon don't know whether i can still sleep tonight.
if i couldn't sleep i think i going to do my schedule again. haven't finish leh. i need to finish by next week. yahyah
okok. don't want to blog liaoz. i need to watch THE LITTLE NYONYA. byebye ;DD

Sunday, January 4, 2009

why is all out of stock?
chemistry literature bookS, all out of stock. tomorrow i got class leh.
oh yah, tomorrow got school, i haven't finish my holiday assignment. ohh..GOSH!
ok i think i doing it later or what...just finish what i suppose to do with the computer first.
downloading songs
age empiring

yahyah ;DD byebye

Saturday, January 3, 2009

hello. so full. just finished my dinner.
before that i was playing cards with vivian. whhaaa... she keep winning. i don't like.
i only won once, i don't like. ekkk.
today, i went for cell group. feeling strange, because i went there late for 40 mins and everyone was staring at me. i don't like.
then i saw qianning, phewphew. i went up to her and sit beside her. hahass.
everybody was like didn't see me before... whaa. i don't like.
now just don't feel like going to fellowship and choir , im feeling odd.
feeling like im not with them i just don't belong here or what.
hmmm... maybe i was in taiwan too long. yahyah. is like that.

now a days i was like arranging my schedule.
bibile study
Mrs Chua's english tuition
Mr Guan 's science tuition.
Vivian's POA tuition.
guitar lesson
Japanese class.
GOSHH! so many things.
by next week next i need to tell tuition teacher de time liaoz.

yahyah. byebye.

Friday, January 2, 2009

first day of school

today is the first day of school. and damnnnn bored.
mr low mr loo mr ho mr koh or whatever, GOSH!, its so boring. they are just talking some crap.

my form teacher is Mr Loo. OH MAN! he is so so so slow motion. mono tone or what. i cannot stand it!!!! i just can't stop laughing at my form teacher and classmates. all were so funny, its not whatever you all were thinking of "that kind of funny" it some kind of, "why my classmates 80% of it were so damn...retarded." i don't know how to describe...just funny? every of their movement childish. never mind, just trying to get along with them because they are going to follow me up to secondary4. T.T i am trying to get along with them by talking to different classmates but not my 2faith classmates because i knew them quite long already. aiyohh, talking to everyone lah.

i just wish i can just get on to MY NORMAL BUSY LIFE. because everyday nothing to do really very frustrating. just go for Japanese class guitar lesson tuition least i got something to do ;D but people just wait for it. when i get on to my MY NORMAL BUSY LIFE, i will post up my complain. yahyah. =P

when i was in taiwan i missed 2 class gathering but this time i didn't miss. ;DD
today i went out with them, 2 faith. i miss them leh. so much laughter during last two year. lols.
we went out for movie together. we watched YES MAN!! my brother told me that that movie is awesome and... ITS AWESOME. hahas.
yah thats is.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

blogspot, im back.
my last post at blogspot , 27 october 2007.

byebye ;DD