Monday, August 31, 2009

centre parting.

TsungTing PeiShan
i think Tsung ting will be quite shock. hahass
she might thinking how i have this pictures or even why i have this pictures.
during that time tsung ting was 14 and im 13, so long ago..
im a nerd. ewwwwwww...

school was fairly good.
you know why most girls' ass are big? its the school's freaking fault. force us to sit on the floor for freaking 2 hours. at least give us a break. argghhh.
soo, big ass girls don't blame yourselves having big ass.

actually i could go out with elaine they all lor. because of my tuition so i didn't go. then later on my tuition teacher called me, asked whether can postpone it to tomorrow. ZZZzz..

i need to find a day this week to go to post office myself. because XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX..
yah. ;DD


Sunday, August 30, 2009

im slow,

Peishan: i just knew what's ipod nano. Zzzz.
Shanpei: really? slowww...
peishan: i know, that's why i zzzz.
shanpei: so?
peishan: er.. you want?
shanpei: want whatt?
peishan: ipod nano, 4GB!
shanpei: really? you buy for me arh?
peishan: no la, i don't have $. =="
shanpei: then...
shall stop here. its a bit tiring...
get straight to the point.
any of you wan BRAND NEW IPOD NANO-4GB
costing 180bucks from australia. why from australia, because my friend is coming back from australia on 26 sept. you can chose your favourite colours and rmb its cheaper than singapore's ipodnano. its come here by airplane oooo. ^^
for more info,

Friday, August 28, 2009

double kill.

today is the don't know what ancient olympic, bloody lame.
i joined for the sake of joining. but quite entertainingg...
first was joking around with hazel and fiona.
hit once still alright, but he hit the second time. every throwers were laughing like mad. lols. joke of the day leh. joel still gave an innocent look, after the funny scolding from alsagolf. alsagolf didn't get angry, she also laughed, couldn't stand it. first time he hit her arms then later he hit her boots! lols!

i realized the ways hazel speaks to CKN is somehow same as how i speak to CKN. damn GL i know but CKN GL-ed first lor. freak herr.
"please leave."

i had chinese oral today also. was damn nervous because im the first. sat at some weird place, felt so empty. brain also empty. heart empty. everything empty. sigh. the result also empty.
because i was the first person so i ended the earliest. no where to go but to find my brother. felt so odd when im in the art room with a bunch of sec4 ppl. but phewphew, fiona called me and i went to meet her. talked and waited for people to come and meet us.
then blahblahhh...

the same mediacorp person approached me just now.
X conversation.
the gay: HEYHEY! how tall are you?
ps: 17...
the gay: how old?
ps: errrr.. 15? *smile
the gay: *gay smile. 15 only? what a pity... byebye
ps: *lesbian smile
man! am i soooooo... mature?

shall go and eat myselff.. T.T

Thursday, August 27, 2009

roll =="

so dumb so DAMN freaking dumb.
im not so sure that ROLL is one of the touch ruby's rule. but i followed.
the ROLL thingy for tiarso and junhui were rolling on the ground after you touch down. so i followed. and my pants was wet and dirty. thanks to themm... zzzz.

alright shall go now. byebye!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

puiyee and i were playing this game call FREEZE. i know its pretty stupid but its fun! that how we kill time.
i realized sth yesterday, puiyee and i, high at a different period. im high in the morning but low in the affternoon while puiyee is low in the morning but high in the afternoon. so its quite bored when she's low but im high but its also quite scary when im low and she extremely high. she bites.
yesterday's band was ... damn slack but fun!
eunice, fiona, seowyi and i were acting retared and wanted to scare ppl.
we had a little clip, we were scaring puiyee. there was no other ppl for us to scare so we took puiyee, and tried to scare her. she knew it already, she had already saw all the scaring process.
i will try to find a time and post the clip.

sunday went out with grace and puiyee, will post the pictures soon! ;DD

mango icecream is niceeeeeeeeee... taco.

it really stupid if you go to the web.

Friday, August 21, 2009

the person on your left.

conversation X.
peishan: mingli ah! you know hoh, the person on your left very annoying leh.
mingli: who? she(puiyee)
puiyee: mingli ah! you know the person on your left also very annoying leh.
peishan&mingli: HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAaaass..
i made it short and nice and let you all see the mainpoint. lols.
obviously she was saying herself. the person sat on mingli's left was puiyee.
HAHAHHHAHAAass! stupid girl.

puiyee had a very nice art period today. ;D
love to disturb her! HAHAHHAAHAHAAaass, stupid girl.

i didn't catch orphan, however i caught The Proposal. damn freaking hilarious.
but got one bunch of bitches sat really in front, laughing for really no reason.
eg, andrew was sleeping. just sleeping, no weird poses.
then they HAHAHAHAHHHAAAass.
its still nice. ;D

went back home and and and... yah!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


i know. i a bit slow or something. because america next top model was already held past few months. paisehh.
the freaking winner is teyana which i a bit...ewwww. it could be allison right? she so cute with her bigbig eyes and strong pictures. why issit teyana?
mr xiao and MRS YONG not in school today. damn sianz because i don't get my chemistry paper.
i waited for al long and she didn't come. ZZz, punch her lips. although they never come i had chance to talk to mingli, felicia, laimin,etc. damn fun but tiring because i some how do the most talking. hahas.
shall end here, wanna to play LEFT4DEAD. need to train, cannot be lousier than jovi they all! hmph!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

30 mins

soooo many people went.
what a pity there's no puiyee and linda.

today was alright. yesterday night was like... sighh.
i won't tell anybody except my mum so don't bother to ask me.
today took back english, chinese, physic and mathematics paper. i was alright no too bad not too good. yeah! i passed my english paper. i was so stress before i got my english paper. why the total marks for english was 43? so weird. but who cares, i managed to pass. ^^

ohyah! during mathe lesson, mingli, laimin, kaixuan and i went to the toilet. we stayed inside for 30mins, so its like nearly one period. so cool. i talked the most lor. when we didn't talk i looked at them they looked at me... so the only thing i could do is talk. but nevermind i love to talk.

shall end here, need to go and study for my japanese, tomorrow got class. T.T

Monday, August 17, 2009


YEAHYEAHYEAH! i finally watched a movie. lols.
i watched UP today which was damn touching and FUNNY.sigh, i cried. i know you all probably think that i'm lame but really i'm not the only one who cried, there's qiuying. AHAHAss. see? don't think big women don't cry, they have a small tiny little heart.;D if puiyee watched with us right, i think she will flood the whole cinema. lols.
*turned back.
actually we're watching hang up just now lor. however the FREAKING GL wretch didn't let us in.
but i know, she is right because we're under 16 BUT she no need to give us some GL face mah. i think probably qiuying elaine or seowyi or fiona will also post about her lor in their blog. freaking GL lady leh. however, we managed to catch UP.
we also took neoprint. ohyah, i will send it to tsung ting but...there's no puiyee. T.T
i want to watch THE TIME TRAVELER"S WIFE. if nobody gonna to watch with me, i will watch it on my own! so pathetic...
i want to watch,
The proposal
The time traveler's wife
the Final distination
i love you beth cooper
Dance flick
The year one
The ugly truth
500 days of summer
i need to spend 72 bucks to watch all these.
however, most of them are NC 16. hahas
phewphew, today's the last day of common tes 2.
yah common test 2 there's EOY!
shall end here and watch ANTM

Saturday, August 15, 2009

nothing better to do?

im drinking Breezer with my brother. i know its nothing much to you.
first, my mother let me have it, im under 18. again, nothing much to you.
second, i'm drinking with my mother, again and again, nothing to you.
third, i don't usually drink Breezer.
why is it nothing much to you?
first, you may have drunk it a thousand times a day or sth.
second, its only 4.8%.
soooo, nothing much. im a kid although im big. =="

my brother wanna me to accompany him to go somewhere. where? i don't know. for what? to study ==" this made me thought about what qiuying had said yesterday.
qiuying: i feel like studying leh don't feel like going out and walk walk with them.
peishan: common test is so over.
during exam you play computer and here and there.
exam over already you want to study?
hao yi ge study. =="
qiuying: heehee!

today went out with my family to turf city. i think its a city, yah.
my mother said turf city is at malaysia... which is not funny. how could she lie to me. zz...
i ate our lunch at ABC resturant. its not really named as ABC its just that i don't know what resturant is that... its nice, the food there is delicious, all prawn.
i think almost 90% of the waiter and waitress is from china.

after that we went back and rushed for our tuition. phewphew, i had already told my tuition teacher that we would be slightly late. howeever, its not slightly. ITS EXTREMELY LATE! my tuition teacher texted us and told us that we should postpone if not my face will sag? ==" so we postponed. later peiyen and i slacked underblock and we whispered our private stuffs. lols.
we chatted about 1 hours.
then went home at 1644 i started to play my age of empire until 2143. power. pretty boring but that's the only thing i could do after exam. lols.
ok. shall stop here. watching silent hills. ;DD

Friday, August 14, 2009

life so difficult.

next week got two more paper to go.
sigh. i screwed all my papers!
now just staying at home and eat myself.
first because i didn't to well for my papers, emo. second my mother allows me go out either on today or monday. since now i'm at home so i'm going on monday. so i told my tuition teacher that i wanna to rest or something. so difficult. but i don't know whether she will cancel off.

ok, byebye! need to write letter to tt liaoz.

Monday, August 10, 2009


today is Singapore National day. i watched the live on tv. it's so much better then previous years.
however, today is like other normal days, nothing much.
just got to really study! i thought qy and i can really study today, but we ended up chatting then elaine and hazel came along. lols. later, felt really dead. so qy went to my place and have frisbee with my brotherS and me. really fun because this is the first time playing frisbee with my eldest brother. lols, he sucks at frisbee, i think im better. =X

i think i really need to buck up. because i wasted alot of time this few days.
tomorrow? study! (i think)

wish tuesday is alright.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

just "relax"

yeah! this was the davinci exhibition. lols! it was really fun and memorable.
but,man! i realized there's no miss quek. i shall put one with miss quek too! ;DD

see? how cute she is! =X
i love art and my art teacher.

today, i wasted my whole day,
i woke up and accompanied my mother to the market.
nearly fainted or vomitted in the market . i don't know why.
but, what a pity, i didn't get the chance to go to the hospital. hmph!
later came back and play piano play LEFT FOUR DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, i didn't play left four dead for don't know how many years.
after common test 2, i wanna to go out with jovi they all and play LEFT FOUR DEAD!
then, went for my mathe tuition. NANNANANANANIIIIII! i saw her.
with nemo. ewwwwwww...
had fun with mr and mrs guan.
after tuition, went home and played left four dead again! played with some taiwan noobs. =X
then on and on and on and on...

that's how i wasted my whole day meaningfully... zz.
that's why tomorrow im going out and study with qiuying and elaine i think.
didn't dare to talk to puiyee currently. zzzz.
i asked my mother and my mother said.
"just relax."
" but i can't"
" just FREAKING relax lar." lols, actually she didn't said that FREAKING. ;DD

shall end! byebye!

"childish girlllsssss." she said.

Friday, August 7, 2009

over slept

whhaattttttttt the..
i overslept today. it happened this way.
it was 730am. i was half awake.
mother: 730 already. you are late already.
peishan: really?
peiyen: walaoz, can we don't go school today, somemore we are late.
then i can't hear a single thing.
peiyen: hahas, yah. good news, we no need to go to school already.
peishan: really?
can't hear single thing again. because im asleep. lols.
today alot of ppl didn't go to school. for my brother and i? i didn't really did it on purpose but we also so called did it on purpose.

today went out and study with elaine fiona qiuying and puiyee. linda and sutheng went home after that. they didn't study. lols. really fun, made fiona laugh until like SIAO! =X no breathe lah actually. sssooooooooooo funny. i used 5 hours to do sine and cosine rule. wasted alot. sigh.

lols! so happy now! feeling so refresh after talking to TSUNGTING! i think i spent 1 hour chatting with her. i so so damn alot of things to say! we talked about what happened today.
we talked about...
hsing man
what happened today. the fiona and puiyee thingy.
my height weight and her hieght weight.
talked about the da vinci postcard.
her life
my life.
and i am glared that i still remember her number.

oh yah, my brother wanna me to help him post this.
tuesday about 6 sth. he got his first cramp in his whole 17 years of life.

ok! TODAY IS FUN! i think im a joke lor. what i do or speak? its a joke. sigh ^^

and qiuying! just relax!

shall byebye! ;DD

hey man, try to reflect about yourself.

and hey mummy? i love you. my best listener!

and and! i shall see her this end of year!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

no more age empire but maple and audition

our lives are so exciting.
running away from alsagolf. ZZz.
i ran until half way then i realised puiyee was missing.
today papers was awesome.
i think i will fail my english by 2 to 3 marks.
for my chinese? erm, will pass, about 29/50.
man? there's no age of empire for me again. i was still talking about age of empire to hiqiuzx they all just now. later when i got home and i switched on the cpmputer and wanted to play my age of empire, its gone. ZZZzz
i had finished resetting my acc. wished it really works.
because i wanna to play my audition and maple. ;DD
downloading audition...
tomorrow is holiday. saturday is holiday. sunday is holiday. monday is ALSO HOLIDAY. wanna to stay at home to study. yah!

i shall go now! bye!

Monday, August 3, 2009

freaking love it.

there is a freaking good news to share to all of you.
our sec3 all level camp is coming,its at kota tingi and its the beginning of september which is the ghost month.
man! i freaking love it. *faint
i will bring my bible and jesus cross. god, i love you.

today was deaddddddd...

seriously, i need to start studying already. i only studied my poa and mathe. no good!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


today was a terrible day.
1. CKN
3.gigantic "innocent" girl
4. square relationship

horrible and vegetable!
sigh sigh.

1. CKN
not i wanna to bad mouth about her or whatsoever. she just sucks, and TOTALLY SUCKS! now i am thinking whether you all who read my blog will tell her. but.. WHO CARES? just tell her go *beep and *beep.
but we could have our test next week right, why must it be today? so last minutes. her mother never teach her before arh? does she like some random popped events? people got other events to attend and she so sudden and popped out a test. slap her old flabby face. still said i was rude? she was the one who *beep did this. unreasonable old sharp *beep flabby snake! haiyoh.
2. alsagolf.
nothing much about her. if i don't mention about it? i think most of the girlswould probably know what i wanted to say. another old flabby wrinky dog.
3. gigiantic "innocent" girl.
man! i didn't know she was like that. i was disgusted and TOTALLY DISGUSTED! *vomit.
i thought she was just an attidude problem girl and wanted some attention from ppl. but some how puiyee told me sth about her and made both if us..*vomit.
4. square relationship.
once again, the day is saved! thanks to the L.P.S girl. MUAHHAss.
i wasn't exactly saved. im meeting her tomorrow after my mathe tuition. to save her again!

aiyah, no time already. i wanted to upload some photos i took just now. in my memory, this was the first time i helped my mother to cook her dinner by myself. REALLY MYSELF! last time i always get the helps from my brother. so...yah!
shall end here! wanna to wake up at 830 tomorrow to jog!
i need to exercise already! fiona said im a snail. was she saying me fat indirectly? *hurt.

ps: hey *beep. don't be too sad! we are still 15 years old! still got centuries to go for! ;DD