Sunday, May 31, 2009

annoying people.

i am a outdated person.
i just watched Ip man yesterday.
at first i thought Ip man was just some stupid thai show or some lame show.
but after i watched Ip man yesterday. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!. IT"S UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
tai MAN leh, cannot take it! *faint.

*woke up.

annoying people just can't think or learn.
your brain is so tiny. watch your mouth too.
fuck off you bastard!

phew, bye!

need to watch Ip man again! cannot take it! ;DD

Friday, May 29, 2009

all the while it was in my report book. ZZZz..


today afternoon, SHUANG!
me qiuying sutheng and the only boy, minchuen, went to bishan cc badminton court and played badminton.
fun fun fun and tired tired.
i kept playing and playing and playing. SHUANG SHUANG SHUANG!!!
i sweat like hell and i smell like anthony and enwei. ZZzz..
i think i had lose some weight just now.
all because of menses, i ate alot alot alot.
why why why? why am i a girl?
no, let me rephrase...
why why why? why not guys have menses?

phew. i thought i lost my holistic report card.
this was the story.
i opened my report book during poa lesson, ready to pass up.
however,i realized that my holistic record card wasn't inside.
"mr loo, later after school i pass my report book to you. i remembered to bring the report book but without the report card inside. "
after school i rushed home because later i need to meet up with qiuying to play badminton.
i went home and dug every corner of my house, i didn't find it.
i went to mummy and asked.
"you did sign my report card yesterday right?"
"yah, why?"
" i lost it! ZZZzz"
"i thought you put it into the book already?"
"did i?"
so i went to my report book and checked. it wasn't there.
"if mr loo call you and asked you where is my report book,tell him that your clever daughter lost the holistic report card so she didn't pass up the report book."
"alright, check properly first!"
i checked page by page and i ... ...


Thursday, May 28, 2009

scary and bad

reedited post.

today i was late because of the old alsagolf and mr william ho! ZZZZzz.
alsagolf : you need to sit down in 5 sec. 4 3 2 1.
mr william ho: stop! you're late.

amy chan called me out and told me that 1150 i needed to go to the library for the stupid speech.
why i so unlucky. i was chosen for the free topic speech. why chose me? my english isn't good. ZZzz.
today we got two talks. first was the kota tingi talk and second was the NYAA talk. boring!

During recess, the nice nice reputation of jiale was destroyed today.
after buying
noodles, i went back to my sit. PeiYen and wallace and jiale were sitting next to us. "..."
wallace was talking quite loudly so i turned and looked at them.
WWHHHAAAAaa... its hot over there. i can FEEL the heat. don't know lah, jiale was just complaining things.

is he...
not my problem ...

jiale was EXTREMELY angry. whhhaaaa.. i could see the FIRE.
his face was the nice nice jiale face but the small little eye ballSS wasn't.
i told hiquizx and xiaopuizx immediately. they turned and SAW!

in poa tuition today. there was a bigbig disaster.
i grabbed her hand. she kissed me. *faint
i think she got some lesbian blood or whatsoever in her body.
veiveiwen arhh! you got my *** liaoz why are you still doing this to ME!
horrible horrible.
i am straight, T.T don't do anything to me. vivian don't...

i didn't go buffet
because i was sad.
my pastor said something sad today. T.T

i think i need to stay 1 metre away from jiale and vivian.

vivian kissed me today again. *faint.
jiale isn't the nicenice jiale. "..."

alright that's it. byebye ;D

i shall call vivian and jiale to read my blog ;D

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


i really cannot take it.
today i went for physic tuition. my guan was very late. alright, i still can take it until here.
when he reached. we sat down and kept quiet. we didn't talk. he was busy messaging, i had nothing to do. so i read chapter 7. we still didn't talk, its about 30minutes. 30 MINUTES! damn long you know. i cannot take it, I NEED TO TALK!

really! mr guan you need to talk so i can talk.
i cannot take it.
because i cannot take it so i talk to you(physic book).
why so quiet...

this is what i wrote in my physic book. ZZzzz.
i think i need to change my attitude. i feeling BAD NOW!
alright, let's go back to yesterday.
wallace disturbed me. i was damn angry. anthony talked to me, but i was damn DL so i gave him a freaking GL face. i felt really bad after that but i didn't apologize. because its weird.
so now..
sorry, anthony. i didn't mean to give you a GL face. T.T

i don't want to be a GL girl or attidude bitch.
i want to be ... don't know.

there's a ba la gu on my head. all because the hero xingtang. =="
ouch! ITS HURTS! i was hit by the stupid Frisbee. ZZzz..

byebyezzzz. ;DD

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

ZZZz day.

erm, today is Tuesday.
i love tuesday and thursday because i can wear uniform.

recess time.
i stood behind wenhui and erina.
minutes later, wenhui started tapping on people's shoulder and said hi to them.
whaa, gg liaoz. she confirmed would turned back and say hi to me. CONFIRMED DAMN AWKWARD.

wenhui: HI!
erina: HI!
keeping smiling.
peishan: ermmm... HI!
both of them giggled. ZZZZzzz.
erina: hahahs, why you gives us that face. hahahahas.
wenhui: yahloh.
peishan: ermm.. because it's weird and awkward.
erina and wenhui continued to laugh for don't know what reason. on and so on.
alright already lah. not so hate them as before. they quite funny and random.

i hate wallace and kotaro.
one suan me another trip me.

byebye, gonna to play either cs with jiale or L4D with online players. ;DDDD

Monday, May 25, 2009

first time.

i failed my mathe.
i first time failed my mathe.
i hate FAYE TAN a lot because she made me failed my mathe.
gosh, how am i gonna to tell mamii. ZZzz.

my overall sucks.
english: 56
chinese: 66
mathe: 47
science: 72
combined humanities: 52

man! i feel like vomiting because i just finished playing L4D.
awesome game but gross.

bye. im going back again.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

1213 24 may 09

Happy Birthday to Vivian.
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you.
happy BIRTHDAY to Vivian.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

it's hot. it's nice. i want to die.

it hurts when it smiles.

today i went for Japanese class at 10am. nothing really happened.
i felt sleepy.
i love Japanese during Japanese class.
i hate Japanese when there's no Japanese class.
i learn Japanese is not because i want to go japan or what.

QN:then what i learn jap for?
ANS: ermmm, because its for my own good.
QN:what good?
ANS: don't know, for the future.


oh yah.
i have my dinner at thai express today. because tomorrow is veiveiwen's birthday.
tomorrow she got sth on so can't treat her, so mamii decided to treat her today.
it's hot. its nice. i want to die. i want some more!

end! sick of blogging. BYE!

Friday, May 22, 2009


phewphew, i passed all my subjects. i am quite disappointed with my mathe and chemistry. but still okok de lah.
i don't really like swimming. i heard that elaine, seowyi, qy and puiyee went swimming this afternoon. when i wear swimming suit, i looked like a pig and i don't even have a swimming suit.
this afternoon i went to bishan cc and played badminton with my family without pt76.
QY: ...never come.
PY: ...same.
ok. byebye. i wanna to play L4D liaoz.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


one left. i nearly cried but i didn't.
because i know she will not be gone forever, like duh. she just 3248km or 2018miles away for us.
there are still plenty of chances. ;D i am 15.

stupid old woman, she entered the class.
"sorry, im late. *hahahahaas."
i was waiting. A few minutes later, she leaved.

ca1 is over. June holiday is around the corner.
i need one pair of jeans, one havaianas and one pak bag(optional).
jeans, i always wear skirt to church.
havaianas, i need one to go fairprice or shopping or ...
pak bag, i don't want to carry the py cow bag to school.

things around us are gifts from God.
don't abuse it.
DIXON i got a gift for you.

Dixon, F*ck you.

Friday, May 15, 2009

15 may '09

today's art exam. GOSH!
i screwed them all. i can just go eat shit and die.
i think i will probably fail eng and ss. *sigh
next week there's chemistry, mathe and literature. zzz.

another good news. jiale spoiled my havaianaz. my cousin gave it to me and he just ...
but never mind. not so sad lah. T.T

ok. byebye. i wanna to play left dour dead!

Monday, May 11, 2009

happy mother's day.

now is 1.36am but let's turn it back to 1159pm.
Happy Mother's day!

jiale is now standing beside me. staring at the screen. he said" looking so diao!"

i blogged for the fun of blogging.
no lah, just wanna to say happy mother's day. ;DD

Friday, May 8, 2009

time don't wait

tick tick tick... tick tick tick.
today i had my English and Chinese examination.
kinda disappointed. sigh.
i studied physic chapter 5 and six, not much. i think later i gonna to continue.
later shifu gonna to stay over. what a pity, en wei and THEY ALL didn't get the chance to stay. study...
i wasted alot of precious time. sigh.
i thought i can study ss, lit and physic.
NNOOOoo. *punched myself.

i am not a emotional person.
optimist. ;D

Friday, May 1, 2009


master jiaLe taught me satay.
i kept satay-ing vivian.
but i regretted after satay-ing her, she will do something... to me.

today is labour day. what's labour day for?
i don't know.
why ang-mo so hot?
i don't know.