Friday, February 13, 2009

they are back!

yeah! my brother is finally back. what a bored week. nothing special and funny to laugh about.
these week got three class test if i am not wrong. next week still got literature and ss test.
oh yah, wu la la, i forgot to find miss yip again! *tsk. i want to drop literature and change to geography. i don't get it. why puiyeee could get geography then i couldn't. i got A1 for geography. when i was secondary two my literature was C5. what the heck, can see the different? BUT WHY I GOT ENLIGSH LITERATURE? hmmm... i don't get it. seriously, i like english literature more than geography but i can't score well. sigh.
oh yah, this week i can't play already, i need to go library and study. next week then can play.
tomorrow is valentine's day. what can i do? nothing to do. puiyee is damn sad. i still okay. i don't really care that much, because i am still 15 years old and giantic girl. i don't aspect so much. God had already planned for me. ;D
i changeed my msn name to YEWPUIYEE. some dumb people thought i was puiyee and talked to me, HAHAS! funny worzxzxzxxx.
oh yah, tomorrow got band! tired. need to fall in by 0745. what the hell. damn freaking early leh. but i think half way through i am going off, i think. i need to go and do my art. i susposed to pass up this week but i didn't. next week they doing new things. hmmm...yeah!
HAPPY friendship day? and HAPPY valentines' day. T.T + ;D
okok, that's all.

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