Sunday, February 15, 2009

i was in the library

today i was in the library.
i asked puiyee whether she wanted to go.
conversation with puiyee.
peishan:hey 小笨笨
puiyee: what?
peishan: are you leaving your house now?
puiyee: leave what? for what?
peishan: study in the library lah, den? you yesterday smsed me.
puiyee: i don't want
peishan: why?
puiyee: i don't want
puiyee: i don't want LAH. *bu shuang liaoz.
peishan: why *still very calm.* if you don't want at least tell me the reason lah.
puiyee: i left 5 dollar lah.
peishan: can what, i got 10 dollars.
puiyee:i don't want...
peishan: why?
puiyee: I DON'T WANT! i yesterday cut my hair lah.
peishan: ohh.. okok. byebye.
i think because her hair now sucks so she don't want to go out.
i lent three books from bishan library today. three books all about arts.
and my cousin haven't return the book back to the library. i am owing library 20 dollars plus. but the problem is that that book was not i read de. what the hell, she always like that one leh. its the same as my mother said about her. argh!
after lending the books, i looked in the cafe see whether there was any sit for me. and guess what? YEAH!!! there was one table empty. thanked god! so i ambled to the table. why amble? because if anybody wanted to sit then just let it be,i will just go home. Because i don't really want to study also, fifty fifty. in the end, nobody sitting so i got the sit and i started to study poa and mathe. ;D
there were two fool sitting beside me. one of the fool wasn't really a fool, it was another. the way they talked really very funny. i really cannot stop laughing. i think that they thought i was crazy because i was laughing against the book. the real fool was damn clumsy, he kept dropping things to the floor. he dropped his calculator twice, book twice, pen once and correction tape once.
he dropped his correction tape under my chair. i was wearing skirt. he and me didn't know what to do. i looked at him, he looked at me. i laughed... i helped him to pick it up. he said thanked, i smiled and nodded my head. i also saw miss eng and her bf, nothing much.
i came back home, i went to my piano. i sat down and stared into the scores for 10 mins after that i started playing. my mother suddenly shouted: see lah see lah. creating noise pollution again. what the hell, if i don't play she say i waste her money. then i play the piano she say i creating noise pollution. arghhh, whats her problem.
later phone rang, she picked up the phone. which meant she leave the sit. den i chiong to the computer and start blogging. ;D
later... philp came to my house. ohh... philip is 5years old this year, he is damn freaking adorable.
so i played with him...
7.30pm he went back home. i continued to blog again.
747pm i finished blogging.
i took 1.45hours to blog.
end! byebye^^

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