Sunday, September 27, 2009

temptation comes in...

last day?

i wish today is the last day i blog during this period. 6 oct is my first paper and so on.. stressed? i thought i only have sciences mathe etc to do. on wed, ms quek told us there's art to do too, at least 15 drawings... ZZz. its like hellll? need to force myself to combine the pictures and draw... ohnozx.
good news for me! i finally had an ipod nano with video camera. its VIDEO camera. sigh, its not camera... but nevermind at least i have one. its pink, i want red but don't have, but never mind at least i have one. even though i have one but i don't really know how to use...sighh. got to ask people lor or understand and spoil it by myself. D;

alright, god shall bless you and MEE!
byebye! ;DD

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


actually we watching gamer lor. arghhh, M18. zzz.
draggy show. glared that you all didn't show. D;
but i did contract my butt because some parts were really trilling.
we watched 420 show. which there's ....nobody nobody nobody but WE! hahahaahss. i think not even ten lor. ohyahohyah, only qiuying, peiyen and me went to watch. man! FREAK THOSE PPL. i hate this kind of ppl lor. last minute last minutes. on off on off... but sighh, still friends! T.T

shit man! didn't take pictures.
plan failed too!

in school was qiute high but after recess was like totally deadddd! but thanks to myyy PUIPUI, she made herself the joke. hahahahaass!

shall end here! got to gooo.. and study lorr!


didn't go for band today because i need to help lisa with the media studies examination. cooooool.
seriouly like coool. because we had lots of lots of funnnnnn! we had a hug scene, AWKWARD! we need to stare at each other because we needed to wait for lisa to say CUT. AWKWARD! stare at mr tay, AWKWARD! because im too tall so i needed to bend down so the camera can see my face, TIRED! walking with bended knees? TIRED AND AWKWARD!
i think i going to waste this week again.
ohnozx. that's badddd!

got to get enough sleep. working hard to EOY!
shall go nowzx. byebye!

Monday, September 21, 2009

qiuyingggggg's birthday.

hihii people.
jiale and enwei just went home. left qiuying robin anthony peiyen and mee!
end here! have funnnn!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

library day

library siao library siao. lols.
i was in the library the whole day including at night. seriously i think i waste my whole afternoon because im not studying. but i gain some unknown experiences, thanks to qiuying. still have 20mins to qiuying's birthday! hahahass. tomorrow its her birthday, hope she really enjoy! hope my counselling is always there for her when she's emo. hahhass.

i finally sent tsungting's present, it need 4 to 6 working days for her to receive it! hope she will like. most importantly, she will receive it!

yeahhhhh! im having ipod nanoooooooo! i just need 4GB not much, with camera? i wish i can have it but if don't have also never mind. ahahaahahahhasss. happyhappy! thanks to himm!

shalll dream niowwwwwww!

Friday, September 18, 2009

bad girl

ipod nano the fourth generation is outt! jiale told me if not i also don't know. hahhahaass. wanted it soooo badly too!

ohnoz, i didn't go for band today.
ask me why.
lols, im helping lisa out with the media studies flim thingy. tuesday i going to skip band and help her out again. really quite funny walking out with them, lisa and janelle. hahahhasss. joke alot.
it was like damn scary when im waiting for lisa they all. first i saw mr sim, he was like asking me am i going for band or sth. later saw rogerlee, youleh? band? what? ohhh....
while waiting for lisa they all again. i was in the art room rotting with my brother's friends. crap crap and crapp...
enwei is sick. oops!
did any GIRL saw this? sorryy...

hahahass. tml got to study and study and study alone in library. hmph!
EOY coming... 2 weeks left. *faint.

shall rest. byebye!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

its just niceeee!

why is there so many things in youtube. i can't really find what i want to watch because there's too much.
manzx! thanks to elaine, im some how addicted to ovalteenies. but i forgot who said it, eat too much ovalteenies also not good, can't really shit. that's bad.
just now saw daviid. he shrink alott, how sadd! sigh.

life arrr...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

wanna to go there so badly!

once again peishan is attracted to computer againn. that's bad.
but at least she had finished studying her chemistry, tomorrow there's a test. she really wishes she won't fail or do badly. EOY is coming in 19 days, so freaking fast. so she's planning what to study for this coming saturday since there's no mathe tuition so she hopes she can spend the time wisely. before she rushes to the library, she needs to go thomson to send birthday present for tsungting.

alright i shall stop blogging as the third person, so tiring.
i can't really sleep now a days, why? i don't know why. maybe its because of the holiday. always slept at 2am. that's bad.

so damn wanna to go overseasss to studyy! T.T
i want to see angmoooooooo!


Monday, September 14, 2009

first day of school

first day of scchoooooool.
finally saw elaine, linda, hazel, fionaa and suthenggg. what about qiuying? i just met up with her last saturday. sooo not finallly.

puiyee and i were talking the same thing over and over againnn. the church thing and korean thing.

the korean thing.

peishan's reaction: ewwwww, stop puiyee! my hair stand...
qiuying's reaction: EWWWWWW! AHHHHHH!! NOOOOOooo. my hair stand lehh! OHHH AHHH...
mingli's reaction: HUH? *hair standdd! OHNOZZZZXXxx. scaryyy.. my house howww?
real life more funnyy! ahahaass.
today fun yesterday fun yesterday de yesterday funn!
k gtg! byebye!

Friday, September 11, 2009

happy birthday to jennifer.

today is tsungting's birthday.
yeah! she received my message.
yeah! she's finally 16 and there's still 2 years to go.
looking forward.

today went out to eat some books with qiuying and puiyee.
saw momo, mingli, felicia and xingtang.
xingtang was like hanging around by himself in J8, pathetic. so we decided to invite him and join us.
had stupid conversation and tease him alot. lols.

really man, The Time Traveler's wife movie is so damn nice. i love it. kept thinking about it. sigh.
i want to buy that book.

ohnozx, freaking bad news for me.
my mother freaking locked my computer.
can't do any thing noww, just rott! T.T

k! shall go now!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

have you left anything behind?

finally finally!
i finally watched The Traveler's wife. of course, its awesome. however, i think the novel is nicer, more details. its worth watching the second time, i gonna to watch it at fusion, again and again.
vivian and i were slightly late so we didn't get the chance to see the intro where henry and his mother had an accident. sigh, but nevermind, i gonna to watch it again at fusion. ahahahass.
now, waiting for Gamer to come up. MUahahahass.
no girls gonna to watch with me T.T, boy show? NOoooo..!

its deaddddddd... puiyee and i were just walking in town aimlessly. don't know what to buy, everthing seem so boringggg... ohnozx, this holiday? DEAD?

alright, i gonna to play my dead game already. age of empireeeeee! muahaaa!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

home is the best.

home is the best man.
i can finally stretch myself in my bed. at night in bed, we all like sleeping in our coffin can't move.
the trekking was the most fun and tiring activity. we had climbed for 15 hours and i had controled my shit for 26hours. oh nozx! can you imagined????????? 26 hours you know. i controled from around 1630 to the next day 1330 when i reached home. i thought when i fell asleep at night my shit will go back but it end up at the entrance... that's why i can't wait for elaine they all. zzzz.

day2 trekking was the most fun and tiring activity.
i love it and hate it.
alot of my classmates thought we all going to die inside.
it was alreaady at night, total darkness. we still at the middle of checkpoint 3 and4.
everyone was wondering how we going to get down the mountain when we were stilll high up.
we were not the worst one, there's still peace and truth behindd. actually i was quite scared. ppl said kota tinggi is very dirty so i scared i saw things! but i didn't lar.
managed to come down the mountain and reached our camp site at around 1am. damn freaking tired, we kept walking and walking its like never ending. errr... good life experience. ;D
aiyahh, alot to say lar.
shall not blog already, tired!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

camp er!

oh manzx!
in 7 hours and 40 mins...
oh manzx!
im gonna dieeeeeee!
though im dying, im quite excited! this is my first real camp? errr, real? maybe formal? or school organize?

went out with my family and cousins for lunch at turf city again. ate in the same resturant, nice!
later on went to vivo's daiso with my mother and vivian, have lots of slot of funnnn! yeahh! gonna dao by my mother alot of timesss! whyyyy.. T.T

man! shall end, if not tml cannot wake up and i cannot go for cammppppp!
alirght er! byebye er!