Friday, October 30, 2009


muscle ache. can't walk properly, i crawled to my japanese teachers house. awww...thanks to interclass rugby. i didn't go to school today. thanks to the interclass rugby again, i felt giddy the whole day. Hurray, i got slightly fever yesterday night. however, sobs i recovered this morning when i woke up, 1000. felt bad, because i left her alone in school. i think she will start cursing me when she read this part. D; yeeps, fiona and hazel started watching autumn concerto. muahaahaaas! waiting for episode 5 to come out, because its currently showing in taiwan. wait, wait and wait. just watched ANTM cycle 13 epi 9, its nice. competitive bitches living together. talking stuffs about each other. i like nicole lor, although she's somehow anti-social at the beginning but recently she can talk. erin? errr, no comments. ZZzz...

k bye!

man, don't be sad.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

interclass rugby.

it was an awesome day. first thanks to the scorching sun ==
second, thanks to 3 LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. WE managed to get interclass rugby 3rd position. yeeps, must thank most of the guys lor. hot siaa.. ;DDD
the guys who played interclass rugby were AWESOME. *totallyy!

we tried our best to win and enjoy the game.

tiredd. *yawned

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


pon school? nahh.
i went to help my tuition teacher and gained CIP hours. ;D
the event was quite coool, learnt and observed alot. observed how tired was the people behind the scenes.
K2 kids really very talkative,NONSTOP sia.
K1 kids, lost sheeep.
pre nursery, naive.

i want go europe country.
i saw lots of angmoooo! ^^


Monday, October 26, 2009

last min.

so last minute. D:
today is CCA day. so CCA-ed the whole day. CCA-ed with drills. CCA-ed with the juniors. CCA-ed under the hot sun. CCA-ed with paiseh-ness. mmiiaannn. trained the junior how to match when i don't really know how to match. however still manage to handle it. ;DD

"band? sigh. GG dog!" peiyen said.

went i flew back to auditorim, whaaa, shiok!

"very cold" elaine said.

i rather die at north pole than die in the desert. can you imagine? your skins, your eyeballs and etc, all dried up. black and brown. with flies on top. ants, earthworm eating your dead body? etcetc... eww.

bye bernizx.

we're just 15.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

first time?

"hey, tomorrow don't go choir."
"i want to go shopping"
"errr? *shock"

unbelievablee. FIRST TIME SIOL, memorable.
so i asked fiona elaine qiuying yutaro enwei and etc for tips. i really don't know where to shop with my brother except topman and zara. he needs more...
Peiyen's first shopping end up eating and winding. hahass. we went to bugis, here here there there. nothing much. don't really know where to shop for guy stuffs. later peiyen was hungry, so we had our dinner at the don'tknowwhere. the waiter is funny, funny in a way that im the joke. huh? (try to understand it) qiuying, elaine and peiyen kept laughing at me. first time go the don'tknowwhere to eat mah, that's why blur mah.

still got school tomorrow. don't feel like blogging leh. so byebye bernizx.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


dammit. walked the whole dayyy. D;

when around J8 and raffles for my very BESTIE.
the weather is like hell. scorching and humid, could feel the hot vapour around me. but for her? its alright. wish she will like it. ;DD oh, i forgot to take her old house and the red bean pancake. shall take it tml.
still deciding whether am i going to buy _____ for my girl. i feeling like buying ____ for her also. aiyoh, paraniod. *tsk hate this kind of feeling. not sure she like ___ more or ____. *tsk.

walked around town today. my legs nearly cannot walk. thanks to my very BESTIE. walking around raffles to find the stupid merlion. i also nearly dehydrated. for all this hard work, hope that she will like it. not like it lar, understand it. lols.

thanks to HMV ==

had dinner with qyZ, fIIIIonaaa, xiAOOOlainezxzxzxzxzzz, peiyen, desmond and elbon at subway. nice worzx. vibrated alot. =X

shall end here and do other thingss. ;DD

Thursday, October 22, 2009

ohno. Zzz

sorry girl..

im tryinging to not go to school tml but going for bandd! hahahaahahs!
yah! D;

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


DAMNNNNNN NICE SIOLLLLLLLLLL! who cares about pi zi ying xiong*stare at puiyee
yeeeeps! today was hilarious. a joke? thinking who might be that person. spending my whole afternoon watching autumn concerto with sutheng, qiuying, elaine and peiyen. sutheng went home early and elaine came a bit later. peiyen came back on the third episode. qiuying don't really care about that show at first. however there's one scene attractted her. FREAKING AWESOMEEEEE!
elaine" not bad"
qiuying" nice siolllll"
peiyen" *smiled and *winkwink"
sutheng" nice right nice right!!!!!?????"

seriously i think the show is not bad, autumn concerto(should be this)

i tooooook all our scripts today. not baddd! quite dissapointted for my poa and art, thought that i will score better. its once you have good grades you wanna to maintain it or achieve for higher. i thought i could maintain that grade but i didn't. BUT, still never mind, still got chances. ;DD

today's art lesson was a joke too! puiyee and i were lost in schoool, can't find ms quek. seriously lost... no one was there waitting for usss. T.T but its understandable, we peee-d too long. we went to canteen, concourse, homeroom and finally computer lap. yeeeps, im the smart one, i suggested. and its thereee! that lost feeling wasn't goood...

i wanna buy list plus reasoning.
1. wallet- my purse is wearing out. 40
2. swimming suit- i don't have one. 60
3. one bag- my bag is old.30
4. 2 tops- my wardrobe lacks of tops. kept giving to my mother's friends' daughter.50
5. 1 jeanshort- sicked of black shorts.30
6. ipod skin protector- to protect my only and fragile ipod.30 my shoes are spoiling, i think. 30
200 plus sioll.


he's getting...

Monday, October 19, 2009


i got my...
48 classic colour pencil
POSB card
IC card

i shall colour my world with these...


Saturday, October 17, 2009

500 days of winter.

yeepyeep! i watched 500days of summer. david recommended me to watched it. love it love it!
which guy is as similar as me?

yesterday night also love it love it.
elaine, seowyi, hazel, fiona, robin, qiuying, peiyen and me stayed over at peiyen's or my house. its totally awesome.
"i had broken my record." qiuying said that so am i. we slept at 7 or 8... time for school?
had dinner
went to bubble tea and watched people performing...sports?
went home and decided to play block catching or catching or what but end up watching mtv.
got bored so we went down to play face-si-beeeee. yeeeeps! funfunfunfunnn! jordon and fabian and anthony suddenly appearred and joined us.
went home and bathe. watched hazel played L4D. " now where huh?" " oooooo, that's so cool. the head just f*****g burst in front of meeee" lotsss...
went to my old room for hazel photoshoot.
PeiYen was damnnnnn hungry so were most of the girls, so we went to prata house and had our supper.
headed back home for jennifer's body. *errr? sounded wrong...
after that... sleepiness knocked us down one by one....

later while qiuying and i were sleeping, upstair got...
"he kept moving!!" oh?

thats' all.
EOY ended! OLEVEL beginsss...
shall rest!
byebye OO